Versutian Federation Ambassador: Micheal Valois WA Delegate(?): Transitional Government Forums: Some information on your region: Questionnaire! (Completely Optional, but it will help us out greatly.) Does your region advocate raiding or ally themselves with raider regions?: Currently we have no stance on Raiding outside of Warzones, however with a new Government coming into office soon that may or may not change, depending on who wins the election for Minister of Defense. If not, how does your region view raiders? Does your region see a legitimate cause for raiding? : See above Do you consider reinforcements to strengthen a region against raids to be raiding or defending?: We do consider that Defending the region, seeing as we are helping it against an Invading force. Is your region interventionist? That is, do they move to 'free' regions if the region becomes oppressive?: We do not interfere with other Regions unless the Region in question threatens us or any of our Allies with harm. Does your region have any category, civil rights, economic, or political freedom requirements?: The Federation requires no Requirements to join, it is and always has been open to all. What are your region's views on Economics?: No Comment What are your region's views on International Trade?: No Comment What are your region's views on Natural Rights vs Government Rights?: No comment What are your region's views on the World Assembly and Security Council? What are your region's views on National Sovereignty and the WA?: National Sovereignty is held very high by the Federation, all Nations within the Region are allowed to do whatever they wish with their Nations so long as it does not harm or impair anyone else's enjoyment of the game. What are your region's views on Civil and Political Freedoms?: No Comment What are your region's views on Capitalist Paradise?: We are glad that such a well-known Region such as CP has taken notice of us. Do you have any additional notes or comments?: Nope.
Hey Michael Valois! I have sent an embassy request to your region and TG'ed your WAD just to make sure it doesn't fall through the cracks. Thanks!