TEST: Libertarian Purity Test

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by mstcrow5429, Jan 23, 2008.

  1. Afforess

    Afforess Active Member Former Delegate Government Vocals

    35. Barely at all. The test seems really skewed, it's not libertarian so much as complete anarchism. I have no problems with the government maintaining roads, fire services, etc.

    Perfect Libertarian seems to be an oxymoron.
  2. Caprigein

    Caprigein Confirmed Nation

    Which is why I answered 'no' to most of the military things. Like it or not, the public defense is better served by a single unified military than several disjoint militias and private security companies.
  3. Panageadom

    Panageadom Confirmed Nation

    I can't be bothered to take it again, but I remember scoring somewhere around 80, while conceding that the test was poorly designed.
  4. Perpendiculous

    Perpendiculous Confirmed Nation

    I scored a 103. That result seems about right because I do diverge a little bit when it comes to the military.
  5. The URNA

    The URNA Confirmed Nation

    87. This test seems to mistake all libertarians as anarcho-capitalists. There are plenty of "full Libertarians" who are quite minarchist. Privately-issued money is quite a slippery slope to go down and there are certain responsibilities of a government, like managing legal issues.

    That said, I find the test interesting. But a more.... objectivist viewpoint would be appreciated in scoring this.
  6. Kasorya

    Kasorya Confirmed Nation

    74; I don't believe in a completely anarcho-capitalist system!
  7. founding father

    founding father New Member

    77 here. About what i figured. I'm a middle of the road
    libertarian. Free thinking without complete devotion to a single political party
  8. schweizweld

    schweizweld Confirmed Nation

    My score was 97, on the lower end of hard-core libertarian, I think I'm fairly center-right so I guess that's pretty accurate.
  9. remotethumb

    remotethumb New Member

    I scored a 75. Pretty low, I have the same complaints as the others about a skewed test (the author of the test advised us it was just for fun so no harm done) I like how the results said "your friends probably ask you to quit talking about your views." ha ha My liberal friends do ask me to quit talking about my views.
  10. Capitalist Producers

    Capitalist Producers Confirmed Nation

    I got a 58 - "51-90 points: You are a medium-core libertarian, probably self-consciously so. Your friends probably encourage you to quit talking about your views so much."

    Some of those questions are no win answers. Either choice is a bad move.