Ministry of Interior Official Memos

Discussion in 'Government Discussion' started by Afforess, Nov 10, 2013.

  1. Afforess

    Afforess Active Member Former Delegate Government Vocals

    Last edited: Nov 10, 2013
  2. Afforess

    Afforess Active Member Former Delegate Government Vocals

    April 12, 2013

    The Ministry of the Interior is pleased to announce the new National Reporting site.

    Every nation in the Capitalist Paradise is now being monitored 24/7/365 and all public national happenings are being collected and aggregated in an easily searchable format. This data is publicly accessable, from the Capitalist Paradise website,

    Reports will be collected on nations indefinitely, so even nations that have ceased to exist or have left the region will remain in the database of activities. This data is collected in the hope of preventing nations from hiding or concealing actions from the greater region and to provide a way to research and observe high profile nations. The data presented may be delayed up to 10 minutes in appearing.

    We hope to provide even more detailed information in the future, including but not limited to endorsement statistics, influence, and RMB post activity.

    ~Afforess, Ministry of the Interior
    Last edited: Nov 10, 2013
  3. Afforess

    Afforess Active Member Former Delegate Government Vocals

    April 14, 2013

    Memo from the Ministry of the Interior

    The Ministry of the Interior is pleased to announce expanded World Assembly information.

    National influence and endorsement level are now both available from the World Assembly page:

    National Reports now includes information about the World Assembly. Nations who you are endorsing, Nation who are endorsing you. Which nations you are not endorsing back, and who aren't endorsing you back. For example,

    ~Afforess, Ministry of the Interior
  4. Afforess

    Afforess Active Member Former Delegate Government Vocals

    June 5, 2013

    Memo from the Ministry of the Interior

    I have seen a very large rise in failed deliveries of recruitment telegrams. When I began recruitment efforts 3 months ago, there was no competition. The landscape has changed. Easy access to telegram tools and postage stamps have allowed many regions to easily expand recruitment efforts. This rise in failed deliveries indicates to me that we now face considerable competition. Deliveries to new nations only fail when their inbox is full or they block recruitment. So this rise indicates that new nations are receiving telegrams very quickly, 10+ within the first 5 minutes of existence. This rise in failed deliveries has recently lowered the success rate in recruitment from 2.5% to 1.4%.

    I forecast that the success rate for our regional recruitment will continue to decline. For the last 3 weeks our region has maintained a close balance between incoming new nations and outgoing or ceased to exist nations. However, as of the last week, this balance has broken down. The outgoing rate of nations has been relatively steady, despite ejections by the administration. However, recruitment success has declined significantly.

    What does this mean? The Capitalist Paradise will not be able to maintain its population and will decline until equilibrium is met again.

    Where is equilibrium? It is hard to predict, but given the worsening recruitment landscape, I estimate it to between 450-550 nations. The Capitalist Paradise will slowly shrink over the next 30-60 days until such a point is reached.

    How good is this estimate? If postage stamps prove to be more popular than I expect, the estimate could be very far off. I currently do not expect widespread postage stamp usage, outside of 2-4 regions at a time. If they are significantly more popular, they will crowd out free recruitment altogether, and the Capitalist Paradise will fall to its no recruitment baseline, ~250 nations. Other positive factors may help improve recruitment. The daily limit of 480 free recruitment telegrams may be raised, giving more opportunities for success. However, even with a rate 2x higher, I do not foresee a considerable improvement.

    Is this bad news? It depends. Even in a worst case scenario, the Capitalist Paradise is not going anywhere and will remain a large region. However, if you have enjoyed having fresh voices and conversations in the RMB, you will likely notice a decline.

    Can any actions be taken to prevent a decline? Yes, but they are either costly or expose us to risk. The most obvious solution is to "invest" in stamps and reach new nations that way. Stamps allow for the maximum recruitment possible, with the fastest delivery possible. Another, cheaper strategy might be to target existing older nations in other regions. There are no rules preventing this anymore, but such actions would likely draw attention to the region as well as earn us enemies.

    Conclusions? I do not feel that additional costly or risky recruitment measures are necessary at this time. The purpose of this report is to make nations aware that the regional population will be declining, why, and that this is expected.

    ~Afforess, Minister of the Interior
    Last edited: Nov 10, 2013
  5. Afforess

    Afforess Active Member Former Delegate Government Vocals

    August 23, 2013

    Memo from the Ministry of the Interior

    The Government of Capitalist Paradise has been monitoring a series of raider puppets and has taken actions to remove them from the region. Several suspect nations who have (and likely still are) orchestrating the raid are being monitored.

    As a very temporary precautionary measure, [​IMG]The Capitalist Alliance of The-CID has restricted delegate control. Control will be returned after the immediate threat has passed, in several days.

    Please remain calm, continue to go about your business. The region continues to be a safe-haven for all who desire Freedom and Prosperity.

    ~Afforess Minister of the Interior
  6. Afforess

    Afforess Active Member Former Delegate Government Vocals

    September 7, 2013

    Memo from the desk of the Ministry of Interior:

    The National Reportings, Regional Happenings & World Assembly pages on our regional forums will be retired by the end of the month of September. They have been extremely useful in monitoring the comings and goings for our fair region, and preventing hostile military action. However the tools have too narrow a focus, and so they will be replaced with more extensive and broader data collection services. Originally designed to cover the whole of the Capitalist Paradise, the tools worked admirably. However due to the rate limits and quotas with the NationStates API, it would be uneconomical to continue running them along side the more broad data collection that is now possible.

    Already some small part of the new collection tools has been revealed as part of NS++. Happenings for all 114000 nations in NationStates, and any future nations is collected regularly, instead of just for our region. This will be expanded to begin to cover regional and world happenings as well. World Assembly endorsement monitoring and national statistics will also begin to be collected for all nations in the NationStates community. Nations who want to see this data should switch to the NS++ extension.

    This more broad data collection should empower Capitalist Paradise to continue to protect her interests more fully.

    ~Afforess, Minister of the Interior
  7. Afforess

    Afforess Active Member Former Delegate Government Vocals

    November 10th, 2013

    Memo from the Ministry of the Interior

    The attempted raid that graced our region several months back, during Kaputer's delegacy, have been identified as members of The New Inquisition. Dutiful monitoring of the activities of the ejected raiders eventually led to one of them returning home, and revealing the origin of the attack.

    ~Afforess, Ministry of the Interior
    Last edited: Nov 10, 2013
  8. Afforess

    Afforess Active Member Former Delegate Government Vocals

    January 11th, 2014

    Memo from the Ministry of the Interior:

    Following the recent amendment to the Capitalist Paradise Constitution, the Ministry of the Interior is pleased to unveil the updated and redesigned constitution website. Interested nations can view our regional constitution in all it's glory at as well as through the regional forums.

    ~Afforess, Ministry of the Interior
  9. Capitalist Producers

    Capitalist Producers Confirmed Nation

    Great work Afforess. Thank you for all you do.