Endorsement Caps

Discussion in 'Government Discussion' started by Afforess, Jun 14, 2012.

  1. Afforess

    Afforess Active Member Former Delegate Government Vocals

    Ideally we only allow confirmed nations to vote.
  2. Acario

    Acario Member Delegate Government Vocals

    This would be avoided by only allowing confirmed nations to vote. While a raider would be able to make a profile here on the forum, they will not be able to become a confirmed nation without hijacking the player's nation on NS. If we do only let confirmed nations vote, then I firmly support the six month wait for elections to provide time for nations to join the forum and become confirmed. I do agree with the other two suggestions by Afforess; the forums would be the most secure place to hold voting as well as to help ensure no player votes multiple times.

    I do not agree with only allowing WA nations to vote as this would mean a third of the region would make all the decisions for the regions. There would be repercussions to such a system... Having such a regulation in place would provide an incentive for nations to join the WA; however, those who refuse to be apart of the WA would be encouraged to possibly leave the region. - Just to name one consequence...

    Here is my idea. Those who join the region after the vote is announced will not be allowed to vote. I believe this would allow all CP nations to vote while minimizing the number of raiders trying to rig the vote. From what I have experienced, there are at least four to five sleeper raider nations in CP at any one point in time. This is quite minimal and would not effect the outcome of a vote while those raiders who join the region after the announcement could not vote. The security here would come from them not knowing the date the vote will be announced. It could be announced months before or just days before. Does this sound viable?