Embassy Application for The Commonwealth of Kings

Discussion in 'Embassy' started by Sucrati, Jan 9, 2014.

  1. Sucrati

    Sucrati Confirmed Nation

    The Commonwealth of Kings (CoK)
    Ambassador: No assigned puppets will be sent of yet but may in the future.
    WA Delegate(?): [​IMG]The Administrative Empire of ShenGuo
    Forums: http://commonwealthofkings.africamotion.net/
    Some information on your region: We are a region compromised mostly with a monarch leading each nation independently. The region run on a monarch-constitution system. The region celebrated its first anniversary a few months ago.

    Questionnaire! (Completely Optional, but it will help us out greatly.)
    Does your region advocate raiding or ally themselves with raider regions?
    We do not advocate raiding or ally with raider regions with an exception towards The Land of Emperor and Kings.

    If not, how does your region view raiders? Does your region see a legitimate cause for raiding?
    The region wishes to have a neutral approach. Our region does not see a legitimate cause for raiding but that is yet to be debated.

    Do you consider reinforcements to strengthen a region against raids to be raiding or defending?
    I consider it both. However due to the founder's wishes, we prefer reinforcements for defending purposes rather than assisting raids.

    Is your region interventionist? That is, do they move to 'free' regions if the region becomes oppressive?
    The oppressiveness truly depends on the current Prime Minister and how he wishes to make the region comply with his reforms. We have nations who left us to other regions or even created their own region, but now they are experiencing prolonged inactivity or have ceased. We do not have history of nations moving in groups to another region unless they are puppets.

    Does your region have any category, civil rights, economic, or political freedom requirements?
    We are very open to all category. Each nation have their different totalitarian status and quota.

    What are your region's views on Economics?
    We view Economics as one of the strengths of the nation.

    What are your region's views on International Trade?
    There are mixed views. Some encourage International Trade and others prefer self-sufficiency.

    What are your region's views on Natural Rights vs Government Rights?
    Our views on Natural Rights are the right to vote in elections, the right to make a direct complain to the Government and the right to vote for No Confidence on Governmental members. These rights however can be taken away if the nation has a conspicuous history in the CoK or other regions.

    Government Rights are simply the right to gain a share of administrative influence or power in the region. The Prime Minister has the entire administrative power of the Government while the Ministers only has administrative powers over his ministry. All rights can be taken away by the Founder if he wills.

    What are your region's views on the World Assembly and Security Council?
    We have mix views but most of us do agree we dislike the WA and SC (especially commends) for the lack of practicality.

    What are your region's views on National Sovereignty and the WA?
    We usually place more trust on WA nations due to being confirmed through the site's system as clean while National Sovereignty may simply be a puppet. We tend to have more inactive National Sovereignty over the WA.

    What are your region's views on Civil and Political Freedoms?
    Some of us respect civil and political freedoms, some wishes for moderate-controlled civil and political freedom while others prefer being oppressive. However the regional Government will always have a democratic approach (or a semi-democratic approach).

    What are your region's views on Capitalist Paradise?
    We respect the Capitalist Paradise for being large and active. Our region also aspires to become the same.

    Do you have any additional notes or comments?
    We do hope to tighten diplomacy and be trusted allies in future endeavors.

    Sorry for my consistence inquiries as I do hope to have the embassies done. Thank you for your patience.
  2. Sucrati

    Sucrati Confirmed Nation

    I had to deal with the application over TG, I sent the application to ShenGuo and had them fill it out.

    So far I have no overarching issues. Any issues from anyone else?
  3. Acario

    Acario Member Delegate Government Vocals

    I do not see any issues. They look like a growing region as well. Let's do it!
  4. Drasnia

    Drasnia Member Former Delegate Vocals

    I'm not seeing any issues. It's up to you Sucrati to decide whether or not to accept the application.
  5. Sucrati

    Sucrati Confirmed Nation

    It's accepted.
  6. ShenGuo

    ShenGuo Confirmed Nation Ambassador

    An embassy invitation has been sent 1 day and 22 hours ago from this message. Thank you for accepting the application, on behalf of the Commonwealth of Kings.