Gameplay Election for Alternate Justice

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Lun Noir, Nov 14, 2013.

  1. ComputerCurtis

    ComputerCurtis Confirmed Nation


    P.S. All cots?
  2. Capitalist Producers

    Capitalist Producers Confirmed Nation

    Cots, costs, what ever it takes. :)
  3. Amn Voss

    Amn Voss New Member Former Delegate Vocals

    Yes. When FASTERCAT gained the delegacy from Elliestan he did so without any form of election. In a coup if you will. After his stint as delegate was up Nation of Quebec was delegate and the Afforess followed.

    Now, I have nothing but the utmost respect for those three nations. They all did great things for Capitalist Paradise. Though what I noticed was that at the end of FASTERCAT's and Nation of Quebec's tenures they seemingly passed the 'title', if you will, to the nation they deemed most fit to run CP. No real elections took place.

    When I decided to run for delegacy I followed in FASTERCAT's footsteps in order to accomplish two things.

    At the time of Afforess CP was still founderless and we were losing members rampantly. We went from the largest player-created region under FASTERCAT to number 20-something by the time Afforess became delegate and raiders were eyeing us. The Capitalist Paradise Freedom Militia was still weak after the whole accidental Urbanites raid during Nation of Quebec's tenure and we had no means to defend ourselves due to our lack of embassies and treaties with other regions.

    I wanted to change this. I wanted to usher in elections again and create a treaty network with many other founderless and like-minded regions that would ensure mutual safety from raiders. To accomplish this I staged a 'coup' of my own. I gained the delegacy, with a lot of support if I might say. Before I was able to bring my plan for a defense treaty to fruition I had to leave for US Navy bootcamp. I passed, rather hypocritically, the delegacy to Kaputer due to the respect and trust I hold for him. I wanted him to do what I couldn't. It succeeded and a little over a month later Ad Vitam Adsum was elected, by CP as a whole, as WAD.
  4. Beijuo

    Beijuo Confirmed Nation

    Amn Voss, I await your response. :)
  5. Amn Voss

    Amn Voss New Member Former Delegate Vocals

    Working on it. I promise. Haha
  6. Amn Voss

    Amn Voss New Member Former Delegate Vocals

    For Amn Voss

    While there is a, for lack of a better word, universal understanding of how certain situations, actions, and words should be viewed, the idea of "common sense" is not necessarily accurate. So, when it comes to the constitution, what would you consider to be "common sense"?

    You say that all are subject to the law regardless of current or prior standing with Capitalist Paradise and that justice is blind. While it is true that all should remain subject to the law, the end result of justice does not necessarily impact the punishment raised against a violator, but rather determines who is right and who is wrong through objective evidence and impartial treatment. So, allow me to repeat the question: Do you believe that an individual's position or history within the region should be a consideration for their criminal sentencing? Not trial.[/quote]

    1) Common sense, to me, would mean to not take it as a perfect document. To ensure that all are treated fairly and justly. Common sense is simply the combination of our constitution, RL examples, testimony and any other sources viable to issue a ruling. I apologize that I didn't elaborate upon this further.

    2) If a newly-created nation committed an offense, such as treason I would rule it as such and the punishment would fit the crime. If a seasoned CP member committed treason and helped create some vital aspect of the modern CP, I would still treat it as treason and the punishment would fit the crime. I am one of the oldest members of CP and I will not allow position, influence or history to intimidate me. All nations, regardless of position or history, will be tried for their crimes as if they were brand new to CP. All punishments will be fair, forthright and just.

    I hope these adequately answer your questions.
  7. Capitalist Producers

    Capitalist Producers Confirmed Nation

    I just filed this with the court. It is being posted here to be certain all concerned parties get a copy.

  8. Capitalist Producers

    Capitalist Producers Confirmed Nation

    If you disagree with that, I recommend that you file a counter motion.