Election for Alternate Justice Underway

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by Afforess, Nov 15, 2013.

  1. Afforess

    Afforess Active Member Former Delegate Government Vocals

    As you may have recently noticed, a court position has been recently vacated, so the position of Alternate Justice is open and an election for the position is ongoing.

    There are five candidates: Capitalist Producers, Amn Voss, Singpu, Indian Empire, and Namayapata.

    The voting begins Noon Friday November 15 and close at noon Tuesday November 19 EDT. The two vote counters are Lun Noir, New Cathedra.
  2. ComputerCurtis

    ComputerCurtis Confirmed Nation

    If you have any questions, I'm here.

    The President of Namayapata
  3. Capitalist Producers
  4. Indian Empire

    Indian Empire Confirmed Nation

    Indian Empire, right here right now, questions???
  5. Amn Voss

    Amn Voss New Member Former Delegate Vocals

    If anyone wants to ask me any questions publicly or privately I would be more than happy to answer.

    Either message me on here or through telegram.