We the sovereign regions of Capitalist Paradise and The Rejected Realms in order to strengthen relations between our two regions agree to the following terms outlined in this document. Article I - Sovereignty and Legitimacy 1 § The parties to this treaty recognize the government of each region, based upon its constitutions and laws, as legitimate, and will not extend that recognition to any government that comes to power through means not prescribed by law, which shall be determined by the legitimate government in question. 2 § Both signatories agree to recognize each other as sovereign entities with the sovereign authority to govern themselves. Article II - Non-Aggression 1 § The signatories vow neither to attack the home region of the other party nor participate in any action with the intent to overthrow their legitimate government. 2 § The signatories will refrain from conspiring, either directly or through a third party, to destabilize or overthrow the legitimate government of either party. 3 § The signatories will refrain from conducting clandestine operations, espionage, or other forms of spying against either party. 4 § Both signatories will, in good faith, report any known threat or concern related to the other party's security, to the appropriate security organs. Article III - Mutual Defense 1 § Both signatories agree to aid in defending the security and sovereignty of the other party’s region. They will provide this support at the request of the other party, or if the signatory believes that a state of emergency exists in which the other party is unable to request assistance. 2 § Both signatories also agree to defend each others' delegacies in times of war. 3 § A signatory is always at liberty to refuse receiving aid. Article IV - Cultural, Military and Intelligence Cooperation 1 § Both signatories agree to promote cultural diffusion and exchange between their two regions, such as through interregional conferences, discussions, or ventures, at the discretion of their governments. 2 § Signatories agree that participation on the opposite sides of a military engagement does not automatically constitute hostility or an attack on either signatory. 3 § Both signatories agree to provide intelligence information at the request of the other party, as long as this information does not harm their own security or jeopardize ongoing intelligence gathering operations. Article V - Diplomacy 1 § Both signatories shall maintain open embassies (in-game) with one another. 2 § This treaty shall be deposited in a publicly accessible area of the community forums of both parties. Article VI. Suspension of Terms and Termination of the Treaty 1 § Either signatory may terminate the treaty with five days' notice, posted publicly in the forum of deposit in both regions, after which the terms of treaty are no longer binding on either party. 2 § Both signatories agree to attempt to seek a diplomatic solution before the termination of this treaty.