Y Hallo Thar. ^.^

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by Amn Voss, Jun 15, 2012.

  1. Amn Voss

    Amn Voss New Member Former Delegate Vocals

    I'm Amn Voss, currently the 8th oldest member of Capitalist Paradise and I can't even remember when I joined to be wholly honest. It was well before the rise of FASTERCAT and was around the middle of Elliestan's delegacy (the region had a little under a hundred nations, if I am correct, when I joined).

    Before Capitalist Paradise (and Amn Voss) I created several nations when I found Nationstates back in '07, but all faded into oblivion and I created Amn Voss to create a perfect Fascist society, while my IRL friend created a perfect Communist society. The region we created for this experiment was known as 'Xegamntavossland' (he was Xeg-ta, I am Amn Voss. It was clever when we were in high school, alright?), currently the nation of Voss-ta is the only remainder of this region and I still use it as a spy and/or puppet when the need arises.

    Well, after my friend declared his annoyance with Nationstates I moved to Capitalist Paradise and reformed Amn Voss into what it is today and, with the rise of FASTERCAT, replaced Thinkpads as the Minister of the Interior (a position I can claim to be the sole holder of to this day, as no one is ever interested in claiming it). After a few years of holding this position, going through bouts of activity and inactivity I finally decided Capitalist Paradise needed another 'jump start' like FASTERCAT caused back in '09 and in '11 I gained the delegacy through 'controversial' means (to some) and had every intention of redrafting the constitution, creating a defensive alliance of regions and spurring population growth. Alas, I joined the Navy IRL and bootcamp forced me to resign from the WA and pass the torch onto Kaputer.

    Currently, while still in the Navy, I know that I can not be as much of a help as I would like to be, but I am dedicated to regaining some of the progress we, as a region, have seemingly lost. I have regained the mantle of Minister of the Interior and my puppet, Syndicalist Amn Voss, has the delegacy of the Capitalist Libertarian Freedom Region. My only goal is to recreate the Capitalist Paradise we've slowly lost over the years. Cheers.
    Last edited: Nov 18, 2013