Test: The Rule a Country Test, which should be your NS policy?

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Arlier, Jan 27, 2008.

  1. Arlier

    Arlier Guest

  2. Arlier

    Arlier Guest

    My score is:

    Your Score: Anarchy
    Your nation''s freedom (93% overall): 86% civil rights, 95% economy, and 95% political.

    Civil Rights: Above average
    Economy: Above average
    Political Freedoms: Above average

    And yours?
  3. mstcrow5429

    mstcrow5429 Guest

    Your Score: Anarchy
    Your nation''s freedom (89% overall): 86% civil rights, 90% economy, and 87% political.

    Civil Rights: Above average
    Economy: Above average
    Political Freedoms: Above average

    You scored higher than 99% on civil_rights

    You scored higher than 99% on economy

    You scored higher than 99% on politic_freedom

    You scored higher than 99% on overall_freedom
  4. Gradenk

    Gradenk Guest

    Your nation''s freedom (76% overall): 65% civil rights, 66% economy, and 95% political.

    New York Times Democracy
    Civil Rights: Average
    Economy: Average
    Political Freedoms: Above average
  5. Your nation''s freedom (56% overall): 30% civil rights, 80% economy, and 62% political.

    Civil Rights: Below average
    Economy: Above average
    Political Freedoms: Average
  6. Arlier

    Arlier Guest

    Civil Rights: Below average
    Economy: Above average
    Political Freedoms: Average

    And which category was it?
  7. Caprigein

    Caprigein Confirmed Nation

    Corporate Bordello
    88% overall freedom, 74% civil rights, 90% economy, 96% political. Top 5% of other people who took the test on everything but civil rights.

    It's interesting that overall freedom is the only graph that resembles a proper bell curve.
  8. The URNA

    The URNA Confirmed Nation

    I've achieved "Corporate Bordello" status. (although I consider the Individual to be higher than the corporate entity in terms of rights)

    "Your nation's freedom (91% overall): 78% civil rights, 90% economy, and 100% political."

    Strange that I did not score higher on the Civil Rights section.
  9. schweizweld

    schweizweld Confirmed Nation

    Innofensive Centrist Democracy 48% on civil rights and economy and 54% political. My nation is capitalist paradise.
  10. Zarch Zalen

    Zarch Zalen New Member

    Your nation's freedom (58% overall): 87% civil rights, 38% economy, and 50% political.

    Scandinavian Liberal Paradise
    Civil Rights: Above average
    Economy: Below average
    Political Freedoms: Average