TEST: Libertarian Purity Test

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by mstcrow5429, Jan 23, 2008.

  1. mstcrow5429

    mstcrow5429 Guest


    Vee vill purify zee vaterland...

    I scored 130. I''ve taken it before, was in the 131 - 159 range.
  2. Objective

    Objective Guest


    Last time I around I was closer to 151, but I clarified a few things.
  3. Arlier

    Arlier Guest

    I got 121.
    I do not agree with some of the ideas about decreasing military, privatising law, courts, police and fire brigade.
    That is too much even for a libertarian like me.
  4. Arlier

    Arlier Guest

    QUOTE (Arlier @ Jan 26 2008, 07:56 PM)
    I got 121.
    I do not agree with some of the ideas about decreasing military, privatising law, courts, police and fire brigade.
    That is too much even for a libertarian like me.

    I got 139 this time.

    I agreed on decreasing military spending and privatising the police and striking down the immigration laws.
  5. Elliestan

    Elliestan Guest

    Apparently, I''m not as gung ho a Libertarian as I thought; I only scored a 49.
  6. I scored 115.

    The time was when I would have scored much closer to 160, but I no longer consider anarcho-capitalism to be the only legitimate libertarian option for a final political destination. A constitutional republic is morally acceptable, though I wouldn''t mind a mix between that and anarcho-capitalism, where for instance the police are private, and yet the government still ultimately has a monopoly on law.


  7. Kolbland

    Kolbland Guest

    I got a 43, but the test is too easy to minipulate.
  8. Corporato

    Corporato Guest


    I don''t agree with privatizing police/fire/medical services or the court system or the military. I''m a bit right-leaning in that I support strict immigration laws and a well-funded military (like Ron Paul )
  9. GW_SS-Delta

    GW_SS-Delta Guest

  10. Arlier

    Arlier Guest

    only 66 this time. I have moved a lot to the left in the last year, but mostly, it is a pragmatic approach in me, which is winning over libertarian idealism..

    We need to move in a direction of freedom instead of proposing just one programm, which is too radical for 99% of the society.

    just my opinion, however.

    Also, I realise that there need to be rules set for medical care as well as for worker safety and against discrimination.
  11. Corporato

    Corporato Guest

    QUOTE (Arlier @ Mar 8 2009, 07:37 PM)
    Also, I realise that there need to be rules set for medical care as well as for worker safety and against discrimination.

    I hope you''re not talking about things like universal healthcare and affirmative action. I think even liberty-minded Europeans are getting a little too used to such programs.
  12. 120 for me. I didn''t expect to be that high...
  13. Arlier

    Arlier Guest

    QUOTE (Corporato @ Mar 9 2009, 02:51 AM)
    QUOTE (Arlier @ Mar 8 2009, 07:37 PM)
    Also, I realise that there need to be rules set for medical care as well as for worker safety and against discrimination.

    I hope you''re not talking about things like universal healthcare and affirmative action. I think even liberty-minded Europeans are getting a little too used to such programs.

    Well, I do not mean that.

    But, I agree with those who say that there need to be some regulations prescribed by the laws, which protect the healthcare consumer, e.g. that there can be a standartised healthcare possibility, where the portions of healthcare would be prescribed by the government and, to provide more choice, there should be also a possibility to make individual health care insurance, with may cost more as well as less, and therefore would be a place for copmpetition.

    That way both groups - those who prefer to have their own choice (incluiding you and me) and those who prefere to be "secured" and let the state decide it for them - would be satisfied.

    Also, I do not approve affirmative action, but the people of the country should make sure that none is discriminated. Discrimination may be punished by a fee or a compulsory work for the society.
  14. hello, new member.

    I got 110. I was expecting much higher. hmm
  15. Semmy

    Semmy New Member

    Oops, 27.........
  16. Caprigein

    Caprigein Confirmed Nation

    The questions seem extremely subjective to where you live..
  17. Drasnia

    Drasnia Member Former Delegate Vocals

    80. I knew it. I'm libertarian in philosophy but not in practice. The one point questions were almost all yes, the 3 points about half and half and the five points almost all no.
  18. Caprigein

    Caprigein Confirmed Nation

    what is rent control?
    i'm not familiar with my county's zoning laws
    questions 11,13 require taxation either way
    16,21,22,46 fall into the muddy area of personal morals vs political freedom
    30,50 have less to do with how the govt is run and more to do with how the military is run
    54 fails to acknowledge that legislation exists that upholds freedom from the govt
    55 is more of a "yes" in accordance with Thomas Hobbes than any political ideology
    61 doesn't even deal with political freedom; it's entirely personal morals

    with no response to the above questions I take issue with, excluding number 55...

    85. That's before trying to parse through personal morals, and places how I "run" Caprigein somewhere in the low 90s.