Seventh Grader Suspended for playing with Airsoft gun in his own yard

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Capitalist Producers, Sep 27, 2013.

  1. Capitalist Producers

    Capitalist Producers Confirmed Nation

    Under the heading of "schools need to keep to their place" comes this story of a seventh grader suspended for a year and slapped with a firearms entry on his permanent school record.[1]

    How did this come to pass? The student and two friends were playing with an Airsoft pistol in his own yard before school near the bus stop.

    Check this part out from the school's official statement:

    I don't think so. The school's rules and discipline extend right up to the school property line. A school bus stop is a gray area, but not a carte blanche. Even if the event did occur within ten feet of the bus stop.

    How about a child's parents taking their minor child to a shooting range under their direct supervision. What about a hunting trip? Does that child also draw a suspension and a firearms violation on their school transcripts?

    Schools are forgetting they are meant to be subservient to the parents. With each and every year schools take more and more liberties from their students and their parents, even off campus. And this is just one example.

    Many districts are attempting to get students and parents to sign blanket consent to search forms at the beginning of each year. Many others are demanding students provide social networking log in and passwords. Still others are punishing students and calling police over altercations that occur off school property outside of school hours.

    All of the above is an excellent reason to break the stranglehold public schools have on the education of our youth. School vouchers, school choice and some healthy competition would put a stop to this kind of thing over night.

    Alas, we will not see it under the current regime. The world has gone nuts and our leadership went right along with it. Sadly, the US voters are at fault by voting in people that not only allow support these policies, but actually think them up.

  2. Afforess

    Afforess Active Member Former Delegate Government Vocals

    The no tolerance policies have swung way too far in the wrong direction. We are at the point of fearing the policies more than the guns themselves, which indicate they are having exactly the wrong effect.
  3. Indian Empire

    Indian Empire Confirmed Nation

    This garbage is preposterous!!! Why would you suspend someone for playing with a gun on THEIR PROPERTY. I would expect the parents to punish the kids, but, SUSPENSION!!! This is ridiculous!:eek: :mad:
  4. Capitalist Producers

    Capitalist Producers Confirmed Nation

    This is what happens when in a closed an captive market.