Region Summary & Future Analytics

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Afforess, Jun 18, 2012.

  1. Afforess

    Afforess Active Member Former Delegate Government Vocals

    I hope a few of you have noticed the region summary tab. It's very much a work in progress, but expect charts, graphs, and lots more information added in the coming weeks.

    Here's a rough outline of what I have planned for it:

    Regional Information:
    • Basic region stats (nations/delegate, etc)
    • Delegate power
    • Power distribution (do the top 1% have the majority of the influence, or the bottom 50%?)
    • Fastest growth nations in terms of endorsements
    • Fastest shrinking nations in terms of endorsements
    • Risk of delegate being toppled (based on how fast other nations are gaining endorsements compared to the delegate, and the difference between them)
    • Total regional influence breakdowns
    • Nation background checks (determine regions they have been in the past)
    • Telegram alerts to gov't when another nation gains dozens of endorsements before an update
    • Panic mode? (Given the delegates user/pass, auto banject nations who are about to surpass him in endorsements)
    National Information
    • Basic nation stats
    • Trending nation stats
    • WA influence standing
    • Nations who are not returning your endorsement
    • Nations who you are not returning their endorsement
    I also eventually plan on adding extra-regional stats

    NationStates Information
    • Most recent nation movement (especially 10 minutes before NS updates)
    • Recent Delegate changes
    • New WA nation movements (raiders/defenders)
    • Delegates who went from being secure to challenged in terms of endorsements (occuring raids?)
    More ideas on what stats would be useful?
  2. Acario

    Acario Member Delegate Government Vocals

    Maybe have some Forum Information, so an activity based defense regarding forum activity could be assessed?