Gameplay [PLANNING]Capitalist Paradise Prediction Market

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Afforess, Nov 15, 2013.

  1. Afforess

    Afforess Active Member Former Delegate Government Vocals

    Idea: A marketplace where players can bet on the likelihood of events in NationStates happening. Who will be the next delegate of a region, which world census report will be next, if the next purge will be in Lazarus, etc.

    What is a Prediction Market? A prediction market is where members trade contracts between each other on the probabilities of various events occurring. The more likely an event is of occurring, the smaller the reward for a successful bet. As the odds of an event occurring change, the price of the contract can swing wildly.

    Currency: Credits. Players earn 1 credit per day they log into the forums. They can earn 1 additional credit per post on our regional forums, up to a 10 additional credits. So at maximum, you can earn 11 credits a day from just participating.

    In addition, successful bets will pay out. Bets may be against a "House" and also against players who take the bet for a specific event.

    Initial Futures:
    1. Predict the next world census report type
    2. Predict the next World Assembly delegate of a region
    3. Predict the location of the next Game-Created-Region purge (an event where > 100 nations are ejected in less than 12 hours)
    4. Predict the population of a region for a future date
    5. Predict which regions will be raided next

    Where: There will be a new page on the Capitalist Paradise site for the exchange, to make or trade in new bets, and view your current wealth. Coming soon.

    So What? I would like to have in-game rewards for very successful players to exchange for. My initial idea is postmaster-general upgrade or 10000 stamps for 1,000,000 credits. I am open to suggestions.
  2. Capitalist Producers

    Capitalist Producers Confirmed Nation

    Number three strikes me as kind of open to inside trading. A raider or someone privy to raider's plans would be able to exploit that.
  3. Drasnia

    Drasnia Member Former Delegate Vocals

    Shhhh! You weren't supposed to say that!