I'm New -So Should I Just Post Something? OK (read on)

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by remotethumb, Aug 16, 2013.

  1. remotethumb

    remotethumb New Member

    Seriously I'm a newbie. I think Nation States is pretty cool. I just want to post something, if I'm in the wrong forum or whatever just delete me. ha ha o.k., Since we are Capitalists I guess I should post an economic question.

    Something that I've been stewing about is the whole government-sponsored healthcare plan. Before anyone thinks I'm an uncaring butt-wipe, let me just say 2 facts: 1) After graduation I went to work for less money but better benefits. I'm no executive, just a regular middle-class Joe. My Insurance has changed. Now I'm paying a penalty, per the new law. I have a "cadillac plan". So I pay a penalty. I got no problem paying extra for others to have the same great benefits I've had. But I can get a little ticked thinking about the fact that maybe I deserve some sort of rebate for taking much less in salary for better benefits. (I've not been sick/needed my insurance this whole time) If I knew then what I know now I would have just not worried about my health insurance. And now I would be off the hook. And 2) I have friends who work "under-the-table." I mean most of the people I know are "under the table." They get every government assistance (WIC, stamps, housing) My friends have never paid for insurance in their life. When I talk like this, people say "you're a sorry S.O.B. to not care for your countrymen." I understand that. But I believe I have the right to bitch about my lost wages over the past 15 years because I cared enough to provide insurance for my family on my own. I took it as a duty.
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2013
  2. Capitalist Producers

    Capitalist Producers Confirmed Nation

    Welcome to the brave new world.

    That is your fist mistake. While charity is nice, you are by default endorsing the very program you are complaining about.

    That is the way the system used to work until Obama got hold of it. You paid like any other insurance: Based on some mathematical projection guessing how much you and all those in your actuarial group are going to to cost.

    Now, "we're all in this together." So we all get to pay for everyone ranging from the Granola munching, running 10 mile a day health freak to the cigarette smoking, heavy drinking, morbidly obese couch potato. Call it a penalty for being more healthy.

    Unless, of course, you are a member of Congress or one of their staff.

    Your friends are thieves, stealing from the rest of us. The only moral course of action for you is to turn them in.

    No, you are not an SOB. You are simply taking the first steps to understanding the reality of the situation. The SOBs here include those that have no problem with ripping off the system. And those that have no problem with government taking money from those that are working and using those funds to bribe future voters through top heavy government handouts.
  3. Drasnia

    Drasnia Member Former Delegate Vocals

    Capitalist Producers covered just about everything. Welcome to CP :)