
Discussion in 'Introductions' started by tyzoid, Jun 15, 2013.

  1. tyzoid

    tyzoid Confirmed Nation

    Hello everyone!

    I first joined nationstates with a different nation (similar to the one I have now - The Republic of Tyzoid) in the winter of 2010, but I couldn't find the nation I had created. About a few months ago, I made this one and formed a new region.

    After a couple of months, I got tired of only getting a few issues a day, and subsequently made two new nations. Afforess invited me to Capitalist Paradise, and knowing him from bukkit/spout, I joined.

    I am thrilled to be in a region headed by one of the most prominent members on the spout scene, and look forward to some fun times on NS.
  2. Panageadom

    Panageadom Confirmed Nation

    Welcome...but, ah, what is Spout?
  3. Kasorya

    Kasorya Confirmed Nation