Hello, is there anybody in there?

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by Drasnia, Aug 30, 2012.

  1. Drasnia

    Drasnia Member Former Delegate Vocals

    Ok, yes, I like Pink Floyd.

    The obligatory introduction. What to say, or more importantly, what not to say. I am a high school student who, unlike others, has not fallen in love with Ayn Rand. I've read a few chapters of Atlas Shrugged (Yuk!) and a couple hundred pages of The Fountainhead. (Neil Peart must hate me.) If you ever want masochistic torture, that's the way to go.

    Politics. I think of myself as in between the Republican and Libertarian parties. Not very specific, I know. Ron Paul is a crazy guy (Though Rand Paul isn't) and Gary Johnson just. . . I don't know how to describe it. John Mccain is far too moderate while Romney, I like.

    I don't think i need to say anything else except. . .
  2. Panageadom

    Panageadom Confirmed Nation

    Agree on the Rand, thank god, disagree on the Pauls, and never would have expected McCain to be described as more moderate than Romney, but that's just perhaps because I'm too far out of the loop of American politics.
  3. Drasnia

    Drasnia Member Former Delegate Vocals

    You implied that I said Romney is less moderate (Which I actually think he is. It would take too long to explain.) Mccain to me was just a progressive on a diet.
  4. Afforess

    Afforess Active Member Former Delegate Government Vocals

    Totally agree on Ayn Rand. She's a lone cowboy who hated by playing by anyone's rules.