Hello All!

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by Germanamerictania, May 20, 2013.

  1. Germanamerictania

    Germanamerictania Confirmed Nation

    Hello everyone!

    Just found out about NationStates today, and I decided I would give it a shot by founding the great nation of Germanamerictania. I'm not German (not directly, two of great-grandparents were German immigrants to the US, which is where I currently live), and my selection process of which country to combine with the USA consisted of a map of Europe, my finger, and the closing of my eyes.

    Anyways, glad to be here, and I look forward to participating, or at least lurking, in any political arguments to come.
  2. Drasnia

    Drasnia Member Former Delegate Vocals

    Hey, welcome to NS. I hope you have a good time. We are a friendly group of people, but the gloves do come off when we debate. Politics, social policies, economics, whatever.
  3. Tri-States

    Tri-States Confirmed Nation

    Good to see another new joiner.
  4. Afforess

    Afforess Active Member Former Delegate Government Vocals

    Welcome to the region!