
Discussion in 'Introductions' started by Phonencia, Sep 25, 2013.

  1. Phonencia

    Phonencia Confirmed Nation

    Heeeey guys, most of you oldies already know me, I'm Phonencia. I've been on NS for 3 years now, and I've lived in Capitalist Paradise every one of those years (albeit with the occasional foreign vacation)
    My nation is a cross between a Republic, an Empire and a Constitutional Monarchy. The Emperor has pretty much total power but is democratically elected and has to work with and can be overruled by, the Imperial Senate. In addition to this, the Imperial government must answer to the Imperial Constitution, guaranteeing citizens most of the same rights as the US Constitution and some not covered in it.
    Phonencia is a heavily militarized nation with most of the adult male populace serving in the Military, a Militia, or the Police Force and many, many teenagers being enrolled in a Cadet Program to prepare them for future service. Phonencia proper (and some of its colonies) has a heavily Christian populace and while Christian values are the cornerstone of most Phonencian laws, the nation is by no means a Theocracy and under the reign of Matthew the Just, many Christian-based laws considered archaic or unnecessary were repealed or amended.
    The Colonies are each their own nation so cultures tend to differ quite a bit between them. It is this cultural diversity and independence however, that makes the Empire strong (and if you wanna' join the Empire btw, there's some stuff in my sig lol)

    Anyway, that's me on NS.
  2. Capitalist Producers

    Capitalist Producers Confirmed Nation

    I remember you. Glad to have you back.
  3. Panageadom

    Panageadom Confirmed Nation

    This, this I do not understand.
  4. Phonencia

    Phonencia Confirmed Nation

    It is rather convoluted sounding yes. The Emperor can (for urgent matters such as an outbreak of war) take whatever action he wants, but after a grace period of (usually) a month or two, the Senate convenes to discuss it and vote on it and the Emperor is given a chance to defend his decision against any critics. If two thirds of the senate vote against his decision, it's undone and the Senate then votes on a course of action to take to reverse or modify it. In smaller matters such as regular legislative actions, the Senate votes first and if the majority is in favor of it, the Emperor then goes about implementing it. Usually much faster than the Senate can as he can personally ask wealthy private citizens for aid OR can order certain actions taken immediately that the Senate would likely have to pay various contractors, sub-contractors and other professionals to figure out over a course of weeks. It eliminates a lot of the bureaucracy, time wasting and needless spending caused by Democracies today.
  5. Drasnia

    Drasnia Member Former Delegate Vocals

    Hey Phoenecia, nice to see you on the forums :)

    Plus, very odd way to phrase it :p
  6. Afforess

    Afforess Active Member Former Delegate Government Vocals

    Phoenecia! You've been with CP at least as long as I have! Glad you are still around, we should catch up sometime.
  7. Phonencia

    Phonencia Confirmed Nation

    Has it really been that long for me? Gosh, it feels like I've only been around a few months :p
    But yeah, you me and some of the other veteran CP members should just hang out sometime.

    Also, it's Phonencia (fuh-nin-see-uh) not Phoenecia, just fyi