Hate Telegrams

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Afforess, May 2, 2013.

  1. Afforess

    Afforess Active Member Former Delegate Government Vocals

    As a result of my automated recruitment process, I often get nations who take the time to reply to my recruitment telegrams. I appreciate people who take the time to decline in person, but some of the telegrams I get are insane, ridiculous, or hilarious. I recently decided to archive them and share them for your amusement.

  2. Arthelas

    Arthelas New Member

    Very nice stuff! Some people are very creative with their replies. I find it sad that the only think some people can say is 'Fak u bye'. I find this sad in the extreme. Politely decline, don't take to long, but don't be blunt about it either. Anyway, how does your automatic recruitement system work anyway?
  3. Afforess

    Afforess Active Member Former Delegate Government Vocals

  4. Arthelas

    Arthelas New Member

    Many thanks Afforess. I was curious to know how you did it, seeing as one of your recruitment telegrams found me, and that is the reason I am here now. It is very inspiring to see the effort you put in to this region. Awesome!

    Yours Dutifully

    The UniFederated States of Arthelas