
Discussion in 'Introductions' started by Rebel Girl, Aug 7, 2012.

  1. Rebel Girl

    Rebel Girl Guest

    Greetings from The Black Market. I am Elizabeth Gurley Flynn the Chief Executive Officer of the region. I have come to the Capitalist Paradise in response to the embassy request that was made by your Delegate. I have requested our Chairman (Founder) to approve your request.

    I am here to open an Embassy on your forums where we may hold discussions to our mutual advantage. Would someone be so kind as to direct me the proper location to apply for this Embassy. Also, I would like to invite you to send an Ambassador to register on our forums and to apply to open your Embassy there. Our Forum may be found Here and our Embassy application Here

    Thank you for your consideration.

    ~Elizabeth Gurley Flynn~
    The Black Market
    Chief Executive Officer

    OOC: I can't seem to find where to post one's Avie and Signature on this board. Can someone please help?
  2. Panageadom

    Panageadom Confirmed Nation

    In no official capacity, "hi" - an embassy row doesn't yet exist, but I've suggested that we get making one post-haste.

    I hope the new embassy's working out well.
  3. Rebel Girl

    Rebel Girl Guest

    Thank you for your words of welcome, M'Lord. :D

    I'm sorry, but it seems that I do not have the proper permissions to view the thread that you have posted a link to. However, we at The Black Market would welcome an Ambassador from your esteemed region to visit our forums and establish an Embassy there.
  4. Panageadom

    Panageadom Confirmed Nation

    Hm, hadn't meant to include a link there. My fault.
  5. Rebel Girl

    Rebel Girl Guest

    No worries. :cool: