Greetings from TSP!

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by Kringalia, Oct 24, 2013.

  1. Kringalia

    Kringalia Confirmed Nation Ambassador

    Hi there!

    I'm Kringalia, the Foreign Minister of The South Pacific. I come to transmit the greetings of our Delegate, Belschaft, and all South Pacificans as well. I hope to get both of our regions closer, and also desire to set up an embassy from TSP here.
    Unless I'm mistaken Belschaft has sent an in game embassy request, and we have an interest in creating with Capitalist Paradise a relationship that also extends to our offsite forums.

    Thanks in advance!

    Foreign Minister
    The South Pacific
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2013
  2. Acario

    Acario Member Delegate Government Vocals

    Hello Kringalia,

    We have received the embassy request and a telegram from Belschaft about the intention to form embassies. Capitalist Paradise is interested in establishing embassies between our regions. In the telegram, Belschaft stated that there was a formal process in The South Pacific for embassy construction; however, this process has not been shared with us.

    Capitalist Paradise wants the process to go as smooth as possible, therefore, Capitalist Paradise fully discloses that we are in talks with Gatesville Inc. for possible embassy construction as well. The history between TSP and Gatesville is well known and hope this will not hinder the prospecting embassy.

    The election for Delegate was held last week in Capitalist Paradise; therefore, the regional government is in a transitional period as the newly elected Delegate has not chosen his cabinet. However, I assure you that all documents of my position will be given to my replacement and should not disrupt any inter-regional communication.

    Capitalist Paradise Minister of Foreign Affairs
  3. Kringalia

    Kringalia Confirmed Nation Ambassador


    The process to establish an embassy on our forums is just to apply for one at the appropriate thread ( There are some minimum requirements that we ask for, including the existence of a government and a certain number of endorsements for the concerned region's Delegate (15-20 currently), but Capitalist Paradise meets them all, so I don't see any problems there. I'll make sure to approve CP's application and open an embassy as soon as I see it on the thread.

    Since our Delegate has strong intentions for a closer relationship with Capitalist Paradise I don't think that would be a problem (referring to CP's talks with Gatesville), at least as long as those talks don't directly affect us in a negative way. Still we'll have a short discussion and I'll get back to you on that.

    Thanks for taking notice of this. I do trust that the next government in CP will be just as receptive as you are being, and that our relationship will be stronger in the future.

    Foreign Minister
    The South Pacific
  4. Kringalia

    Kringalia Confirmed Nation Ambassador

    Like I said, I just had a conversation with Belschaft and we agreed that we have no problem with Capitalist Paradise engaging in talks with Gateville.
  5. Drasnia

    Drasnia Member Former Delegate Vocals

    My apologies for not addressing this earlier and the short reply, things are pretty hectic with this transfer of power.

    CP is very interested in an embassy and perhaps closer relations with TSP. We hope that we may strengthen our relationship.

    Capitalist Paradise
  6. Kringalia

    Kringalia Confirmed Nation Ambassador

    I do hope an embassy can be set up here as soon as possible to strengthen our relationship, and I'm already inviting Capitalist Paradise to request for an embassy at our forums. I'll make sure that it is then set up once we get the application.

    Thanks for the reply and I hope the transfer is running smoothly.

    Foreign Minister
    The South Pacific