Greetings from The United Defenders League!

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by Unibot, Aug 6, 2012.

  1. Unibot

    Unibot Confirmed Nation Ambassador

    It has been several months since the coup of Capitalist Paradise and The United Defenders League has been very pleased to see all of the development that has occured as of late in Capitalist Paradise -- I'm sure the next time (if there is a next time) a coup is attempted, the raiders will have another thing coming to them! :)

    Nonetheless, I approached your former delegate about the possibility of the creation of embassies between The United Defenders League and Capitalist Paradise and I believe the idea was greeted with open arms by your former delegate; if it is at all possible, The United Defenders League would like to now request embassies with this lovely region.

    Our forum is located here:
    Our embassy row: