Good Evening.

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by Arrorn, Aug 26, 2013.

  1. Arrorn

    Arrorn Confirmed Nation

    Hello I'm Arrorn and I'm an addict... I mean I'm Arrorn and the Chairman for Life of the Confederal Semi-Republic Oligarchy of Arrorn, or Confederal Oligarchy of Arrorn (for short). I played NS almost 3 years ago and I'm now returning both to NS and to Capitalist Paradise.
  2. Capitalist Producers

    Capitalist Producers Confirmed Nation

  3. Drasnia

    Drasnia Member Former Delegate Vocals

    Hey there Arrorn. I hope you like it here.
  4. Arrorn

    Arrorn Confirmed Nation

    I have no doubt that I will.