[Draft] The Non-Discriminatory Amendment

Discussion in 'Government Discussion' started by TheUnitedOman, Jun 1, 2015.

  1. TheUnitedOman

    TheUnitedOman New Member

    PURPOSE: To Amend section Rights and Bylaw, subsection Rights of Sovereignty. To edit bullet three whereas it states that “No nation shall be judged or reprimanded or expelled for its Racial predominance,and others to be brought by amendment through the legislative process”


    • No nation shall be judged,reprimanded, or expelled for the characteristics of the population (Physical or cultural).
    Author: The United Oman

    Open to Suggestions
  2. TheUnitedOman

    TheUnitedOman New Member

    This proposal is to amend the language in Rights of Sovereignty under Rights and Bylaws.

    In Rights of Sovereignty, change from "No nation shall be judged or reprimanded or expelled for its Racial predominance" to"No nation shall be judged,reprimanded, or expelled for the cultural or physical characteristics of the population."
    and others to be brought by amendment through the legislative process.
    Last edited: Jun 7, 2015
  3. Acario

    Acario Member Delegate Government Vocals

    I like what you have thus far. My first suggestion would be to model the proposal after the Voter Limitation Act in the Constitution. Something like this:

    My second suggestion, as seen in my rewrite above, would be to not include the "and others to be brought by amendment through the legislative process” line into this proposal. If you are going to include it, then I would add onto your modified bullet or make the line its own bullet point. I feel like it needs to be kept in the document.

    Lastly, I do not like the inclusion of parentheses though I do believe the content in them is necessary, so maybe change it include the contents in the main sentence: "...cultural or physical characteristics of the population."
  4. Capitalist Producers

    Capitalist Producers Confirmed Nation

    I would like to see the words, "by the government" inserted into that. As it is written now this could curtail free speech.
  5. TheUnitedOman

    TheUnitedOman New Member

    How would this curtail free speech? I fail to see your point.
  6. Acario

    Acario Member Delegate Government Vocals

    Were people using this point as an argument in court between individual nations? I take the Rights of Sovereignty to all be limitations on the government and therefore adding the words "by the government" would be unnecessary as the bullet point is under a section composed of government restrictions.