Spoiler: Draft 1 Name: Is Repatriation Patriotic? Description: After a recent budget shortfall, your Minister of Finance proposed making up the difference of revenue by instituting repatriation taxes on major businesses. Validity: All The Debate [option] "It's actually a very fair tax, @@LEADER@@," sates your Minister of Finance. "Only the largest and wealthiest corporations would have to pay repatriation taxes. Sure they wouldn't like it, and a few might protest, but they can afford to pay the expense." [effect]Mall-Mart has closed all of its locations in @@NATION@@ [stats]intentionally left blank [option]"That would be an absolute waste!" @@RANDOMNAME@@, an auditor for the International Revenue Service (IRS), opines. "If we implemented mandatory repatriation taxes on all income that enters this great nation, we could fund even more public services, liking repairing public roads. Not only would we improve our transportation infrastructure, but we would also create more jobs." [effect]Traffic jams stack up as construction workers block roads while taking lunch breaks [stats]intentionally left blank [option]Noted economist, Harry Mothhard, disagrees. "All taxes are theft, and repatriation taxes even more so. The money has already been taxed in its original jurisdiction; taxing it yet again is illogical. Furthermore, these taxes would disincentivize companies from investing money in @@NATION@@. In order to grow our economy, we should instead institute sweeping tax cuts to all industrial sectors." [effect]Members of the IRS are being laid off in record numbers after @@NATION@@'s tax code has been simplified. Name: Is Repatriation Patriotic? Description: After a recent budget shortfall, your Minister of Finance proposed making up the difference of revenue by instituting repatriation taxes on major businesses. Validity: All The Debate [option] "It's actually a very fair tax, @@LEADER@@," states your Minister of Finance. "Only the largest and wealthiest corporations would have to pay repatriation taxes. Sure they wouldn't like it, and a few might protest, but they can afford to pay the expense." [effect]Mall-Mart has closed all of its locations in @@NATION@@ [stats]intentionally left blank [option]"That would be an absolute waste!" @@RANDOMNAME@@, an auditor for the Internal Revenue Bureau (IRB), opines. "If we implemented mandatory repatriation taxes on all income that enters this great nation, we could fund even more public services, like repairing public roads. Not only would we improve our transportation infrastructure, but we would also create more jobs." [effect]Traffic jams stack up as construction workers block roads while taking lunch breaks [stats]intentionally left blank [option]Noted economist, Harry Mothhard, disagrees. "All taxes are theft, and repatriation taxes even more so. The money has already been taxed in its original jurisdiction; taxing it yet again is illogical. Furthermore, these taxes would disincentivize companies from investing money in @@NATION@@. In order to grow our economy, we should instead institute sweeping tax cuts to all industrial sectors." [effect]IRB auditors catch up on their favorite TV shows ever since @@NATION@@'s tax code has been simplified.
I say the first two options would have a negative impact on economic freedoms, number 2 more so than number 1. Number 3 would have an economic boost, but it wouldn't be significant. I'm not sure if we could use the acronym 'IRS' like that, kind of how the UN placed a cease and desist order on NS itself. Perhaps another name, or replacing the word service with Bureau?
Sucrati beat me to my primary suggestion, I would definitely change the name of the IRS. There is a typo in the first option: "sates" should be "states" Maybe the effect of option 1 probably should say something about the wealthy corporations electing to keep their money overseas to avoid the tax. Or maybe a large company splits its income across several smaller companies to avoid the tax bracket. These could probably work for option 2 as well. Option 2 might have companies electing to not expand overseas. I agree with Sucrati that option 1 and option 2 should decrease economic freedoms. There might be a case for a decrease in the economy for option 2. Stats on option 3 should probably have an increase in the economy. Beyond that, an interesting state change could be a slight rise in unemployment? You could change the effect to something along the lines that members of the IRS pursue their other hobbies while on the clock or something.... you know, the government does not lay off the unnecessary workforce.
Thanks for catching the typo. I had also wondered if using IRS was just a bit too much. I'm leaving the stats til the end when the text is firmed up and what not. I do think the suggestion of changing option 3's effect is better than the original.
Edits have been made. More suggestions would be welcome. If there aren't any soon, I'll post the draft on the NS forums.
Needs more cowbell. Also, opt 1 and 2 should be combined. Proposed a brand new opt 2, as well as combined option 1. Name: Is Repatriation Patriotic? Description: After a certain prominent television star and former-hedge-fund-manager held a exposé on @@NATION@@, implying underwater-basket-weaving was a better investment than @@NATION@@ government bonds, your government is scrambling to respond. Your Minister of Finance has proposed fixing budget shortfalls by instituting repatriation taxes on major businesses. Validity: All The Debate [option] "It's actually a very fair tax, @@LEADER@@," states your Minister of Finance. "Only the largest and wealthiest corporations would have to pay repatriation taxes. Sure they wouldn't like it, and a few might protest, but they can afford to pay the expense." [effect]Mall-Mart has closed all of its locations in @@NATION@@ [stats]intentionally left blank [option]"More taxes?" opines @@RANDOMNAME@@, a random stranger with bulging pockets, who seems to have mistakenly wandered into your private meeting chambers. "I just walked past all those fancy printing press machines the Ministry of Finance uses to print cash. Why not just print a little bit extra? That's better than stealing from hardworking corporations" [effect]All of the printing presses in @@NATION@@ have been repurposed to print extra cash [stats]intentionally left blank [option]Noted economist, Harry Mothhard, disagrees. "Printing extra money is a hidden tax, all taxes are theft, and repatriation taxes even more so. The money has already been taxed in its original jurisdiction; taxing it yet again is burdensome. If we want to shed @@NATION@@'s stigma as a basket case, we need to reform our tax code and grow the economy by instituting sweeping tax cuts to all industrial sectors." [effect]Unemployed financial auditors can often be seen panhandling near expressways with 'WILL DO TAXES FOR FOOD' signs.