[DRAFT] History of the Capitalist Paradise, 2nd Edition

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Afforess, May 7, 2013.

  1. Afforess

    Afforess Active Member Former Delegate Government Vocals

    I'm interested in updating and revising the existing history of the capitalist paradise. 2011 is now approaching ancient history (in terms of NationStates time) and I know The CID has complained about inaccuracies in the earlier portions of the history.

    I'll be beginning a new draft of the history and I'm also open to suggestions for changes. I would especially appreciate statements or telegrams from early government members and any historical documents that may be found.

    Also please point out inaccuracies or concerns about the previous edition.
  2. Drasnia

    Drasnia Member Former Delegate Vocals

    I assume you'll be writing about Libertocria. (or is it to soon?)
  3. Afforess

    Afforess Active Member Former Delegate Government Vocals

    The last history ended in 2011, right before my delegacy. So I need to include my delegacy, Ad Vitam Adsum's, Amn Voss's, the raid by FantasticRay, Fastercat's 2nd delegacy, Kaputer's and Libertocria.

    A lot has happened since 2011.
  4. Drasnia

    Drasnia Member Former Delegate Vocals

    That it has. That it has.
  5. Arthelas

    Arthelas New Member

    This would be an interesting read, and would make me more aware of the history of this region. Being new is hard sometimes, but the more we know about the future, the more we can do about the present.