[DRAFT] Condemn Nierr

Discussion in 'Fix the WA' started by Nation of Quebec, Jul 11, 2014.

  1. Abellies

    Abellies New Member

    I think another route is, if you had enough good, hard, evidence, you go to the mods and say he is violating the rules flat out and is harassing, trolling (whatever it is.) Deletion is no "badge of honor". ;)
  2. Nation of Quebec

    Nation of Quebec Member Former Delegate Government Vocals

    It seems like Neirr is pissing off more and more people. With the liberation going down in flames right now I see this as having a decent chance at passing.

    I've edited a line so I don't think this would be in any danger of breaking any Security Council rules.
  3. Nation of Quebec

    Nation of Quebec Member Former Delegate Government Vocals

    I have received additional help drafting this from another nation who has been added as a co-author. Having a non-Capitalist Paradise resident be part of the draft will help the resolution's success.
  4. Acario

    Acario Member Delegate Government Vocals

    NoQ, I just noticed that APPALLED is spelt wrong.

    Also, the ALARMED has really weird phrasing in the bold:

    ALARMED that Nierr has stated that its goal is to continue flooding the Security Council with frivolous resolutions in an effort to slow it down,


    ALARMED that Nierr has openly stated that flooding the Security Council with frivolous resolutions in an effort to slow it down is the primary goal,
  5. Capitalist Producers

    Capitalist Producers Confirmed Nation

    Drop the passive voice. No "has," "was," etc.

    Try this on for size:
    ALARMED that Nierr's stated goal is to continue flooding the Security Council with frivolous resolutions in an effort to slow it down,