California bill will force students to share showers with opposite sex

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Capitalist Producers, Aug 10, 2013.

  1. Capitalist Producers

    Capitalist Producers Confirmed Nation

    I reposted this here because it kind of got lost in all the spam on the RMB

    Before I get started here I need to remind everyone that I am very much for equal rights for everyone, gays included. I am all in favor of gay marriage because the government should have zero say in deciding who anyone can and cannot spend their life with.

    With that in mind let us consider California's Assembly Bill 1266. Part of this bill will require schools to allow students to decide which gender they are and what restrooms, locker rooms and showers they wish to use.[1]

    We are going to skip over that part about what rights the straight students have or do not have to object to sharing those school facilities with biologically different students. The politically correct crowd has never considered the rights or comfort of the mundane normal when forcing these issues.

    But there is a far darker, far evil potential here that no one is talking about.

    Every school has its set of bullies. Usually wanna-bee thugs that terrorize the weakest and most vulnerable students.

    Picture a set of male junior high bullies in the shower with a biologically female student. Those young testosterone poisoned boys are not going to be considering the morality of the situation or the consequences for their actions when making decisions that are about to change some lives forever.

    This is government assisted rape in the making. Oh sure, the guilty will probably be caught and punished, assuming the assaulted party reports the incident. Pundits will write about it. The Politically Correct Enforcement Squad will howl in outrage. Lens sluts will flock to the location.

    But the root cause, government setting up the scenario that placed these kids together in a group shower, will never be brought up.

    Hopefully the governor will have the good sense to veto this mess.

  2. schweizweld

    schweizweld Confirmed Nation

    This does sound pretty scary. It's true that bullies would use this to their advantage to harass people, I remember how immature kids were, especially in the grade 5 to 9 range. I support equal rights too, but you have to draw the line somewhere.
  3. Afforess

    Afforess Active Member Former Delegate Government Vocals

    Bathrooms should be based on genetic sex, not personal gender. If they feel they need to do something, put "XY" on male bathrooms and "XX" on female bathrooms instead. Check your DNA folks.
  4. Capitalist Producers

    Capitalist Producers Confirmed Nation

    You are not going to stop harassment. That is going to happen in any social setting with forced attendance. The larger the population, the more you are going to see.

    My point is the state is setting up sex offense charges here. Once those students start turning up in the wrong locker rooms and showers my guess it that it will be less then a month before the first sex crime comes out of one of those schools.
  5. Afforess

    Afforess Active Member Former Delegate Government Vocals

    Well, this just got signed in as law. I guess we can come back in 6-12 months to see who was right.
  6. Zarch Zalen

    Zarch Zalen New Member

    Or eliminate segregation...
  7. Capitalist Producers

    Capitalist Producers Confirmed Nation

    Are you serious?
  8. Zarch Zalen

    Zarch Zalen New Member

    No, but if they really need to do something, they should debate the full issue.
  9. Capitalist Producers

    Capitalist Producers Confirmed Nation

    Here's an update to this mess. Since that time writing this post, California's leading idiot child, Governor Jerry Brown signed the bill.[1]

    Now the fallout begins. Leading the charge to bail out on the California public school system is California Assemblyman Tim Donnelly. He's removed his younger son from public the school and left the older son's decision up to him. Read on:

    So what this is going to come down to is those with the money to bail on the public schools will have that option. Those that are starving to death in the crashed and burning California economy have no choice but to expose their children to this touchy feeley crap.

    It is going to be interesting to see how this effects the enrollment numbers over the next two or three years.
