All about Regional Influence

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by The CID, Oct 29, 2006.

  1. The CID

    The CID Founder Government


    These are the 21 categories of Regional Influence, listed in descending order of importance:

    01. Hermit
    02. Hegemony
    03. Dominator
    04. Superpower
    05. Power
    06. Powerbroker
    07. Eminence Grise
    08. Enforcer
    09. Dealmaker
    10. Instigator
    11. Contender
    12. Negotiator
    13. Auxiliary
    14. Ambassador
    15. Diplomat
    16. Envoy
    17. Duckspeaker
    18. Handshaker
    19. Truckler
    20. Vassal
    21. Minnow


    1) Any nation will increase its rank according to the time it spent in his region, if it leaves, the rank will decrease.

    1) If the nation belongs to the WA, it will increase its rank faster, according to the endorsement it receives.

    3) The rank does not increase itself at a constant rate. Example: If it takes x number of days to go from Handshaker (18.) to Duckspeaker (17.), it will take MORE DAYS to go from Eminence Grise (07.) to Powerbroker (06.)
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 18, 2014
  2. The CID

    The CID Founder Government


    These are the 6 categories of Regional Power, listed in descending order of importance:

    01.Extremely High
    02.Very High

    So, a region could be low, moderate, or high, depending on:

    1) The amount of Regional Power of each nation in the Region.

    2) The amount of Regional Power the WA Delegate has independently.

    3) If the WA Delegate has the Regional Control or not.

    4) The number of nations in that region

    5) History of that region (read post below)
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 18, 2014
  3. Wallum

    Wallum Guest

    And currently:

    I think it deffinitely has more to do with history of the region. Power raitings are very slow to change.
  4. The CID

    The CID Founder Government

    Yes, the number of nations is not so important.... although a 5 nations region will never have "Extremely High" as regional power.