A Plea For Help (phonencia Has Been Attacked)

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Phonencia, Jul 4, 2012.


Will you declare war on Buddha C in retaliation?

  1. Yes, let us salt their fields, hang their leaders, burn their crops and poison their water supply!

  2. no, but we will dispatch military units to Phonencia and the colonies for defense purposes

  3. no, we want nothing to do with this conflict

  1. Phonencia

    Phonencia Confirmed Nation

    Attention fellow Capitalist Paradisians,
    today, July 3'rd 2012, at approximately 9:16 PM (Phonencian Time) an InterContinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) carrying a biological warhead impacted the southern city limits of Gracemeria, the capitol of Phonencia.
    Death tolls from the impact alone were over a hundred and hundreds more are confirmed to be infected with whatever God-awful disease the warhead carried. This ICBM was one of four launched from the nation of Buddha C in a vile, unprovoked, and deliberate attempt to murder as many Phonencian civilains as possible. This was followed by a wave of attacks by stealth bombers carrying a payload of napalm-based ordnance.
    This conflict started fairly recently as The Republic of Arkava announced its overthrow of a Democratic government and subsequent replacement by a junta. The majority of Arkavan Citizens have expressed that they were in favor of this move (and many took part in the revolution against the Democratic regime)
    Upon announcing this new change, two nations, Scandova and Buddha C, declared war on Arkava and began attacks on its Oil Fields as well as coastal cities. The Democratic Regime had been an ally of Scandova's for some time before the war and Buddha C's reason for involvement is still fairly unclear though I suspect heavily that they are attacking for the purposes of conquest and nothing more.
    I dispatched units among my nation's military to assist with the protection of Arkava from this attack and after vicious fighting between Scandovan, Arkavan and Buddhan forces, Arkava signed a treaty making it an official Phonencian Colony for the next ten years minimum. Upon learning of this, Scandova requested peace talks which were held in the Imperial Palace minutes before the attacks began. Scandova's president Bradley Joh'tan and I have reached a mutual agreement that Buddha C MUST BE STOPPED. Scandova's and Phonencia's militaries are set on joining the Arkavan National Liberation Army in attempting to repel the Buddhan invasion. We are however unable to get reinforcements into the nation due to Buddha C's naval blockade of the small country.
    By committing these heinous and vicious acts of mass murder, they have declared TOTAL WAR with Phonencia and all her colonies. I am writing you this communique today in the hopes that some of you, my fellow Capitalists, will assist us in our attempt to break the Buddhan blockade, liberate Arkava, and invade the Buddhan homeland.
    Please, my fellow leaders, I beseech you. All that is necessary for evil to prevail is that good men (and women) such as yourselves do nothing. Buddha C's tyranny and violence CAN NOT be allowed to go on.
    I hope you will join us in our crusade to rid the world of this violent super power.
    ~Emperor Matthew J. Shelton III
