Last Activity:
Jul 29, 2013
Apr 15, 2013
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Professional Student


Confirmed Nation, Male, from California

My Blood is Red, my Skin is White, and my Eyes are Blue. Guess my nationality. Apr 15, 2013

The URNA was last seen:
Jul 29, 2013
    1. The URNA
      The URNA
      My Blood is Red, my Skin is White, and my Eyes are Blue. Guess my nationality.
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  • About

    Professional Student
    There's not really much to say about me. I'm your average guy, with just a few twists. I love everything internet, video games, cartoons, politics, guns, and about a dozen other things. I'm a Libertarian who can see through a Socialist's set of eyes, but thinks Capitalism is still the way to go, and will be for a good long time. I'm an avid 4chan browser, I love pokemon, Metal Gear Solid, Star Fox, Mortal Kombat, various COD games, etc., and I'm always up for a good joke or two (dirty or not).

    I may be an underachiever, but I'm pretty knowledgeable (most of the time, don't ask me about music though, I don't really care about half of the angsty rebel bands today or anything). I'm also not a hopeless neckbeard romantic, I always do my best to treat a woman right and that has reflected... favorably in the past. My favorite types of music are Classic Rock, Hard Rock, Country, and Electronia (get your dubstep BS out of here, I only listen to the good stuff). I like silly things, especially a good, ridiculous anime, and am mostly light-hearted.

    I've got this view of society that we've all got to get the **** out of each other's business when it comes to the law, but have got to be open about what we all believe. I can take a good laugh at myself every once in a while and I hate it when people get offended over the slightest things. I try not to ever get mad and I'm generally a very forgiving person, sometimes to a fault (I can't stay mad at someone for more than five minutes).


    While I'm a pretty logical guy, and generally level-headed, it bothers me when people bash religion. I'm a 2nd Baptist that behaves more like a 1st Baptist and I don't take my Bible spoon-fed. There are a lot of things a man has got to determine for himself and religion is one of them. I am a supporter of gay rights and many other rights (with the exception of abortion after a month after conception, killing a fetus with cell specialization is killing a child and I am not ever going to condone murder, no matter how "unfair" it is to the mother, except when it literally endangers the mother's life). I've grown up around a lot of hateful atheists and honestly believe that militant atheism is just as bad as militant Islam or militant Christianity (Be honest, when has there ever been militant Buddhism?). My faith in Jesus Christ has been a great positive influence in my life and when you follow the man himself, I don't see how you could ever end up steering wrong. Honestly, why does it matter if carbon dating or whatever proves that the earth "wasn't created by God"? So what? does that change the moral implications of Christianity? Not to me. (Not to mention that I believe that Science has a secondary purpose to refine religion. After all, God gave humans a brain, why not use it to discover all science has to offer?) At the same time, I'm also not a wishy-washy Christian who believes some watered-down version of the truth. I believe in a punitive afterlife and most other things that would be considered "conservative." However, at the same time, I believe Christianity has been misinterpreted by some of its followers and many times the Christian majority is wrong. I will argue that the Bible allow homosexuality and such as well, since I only seek the truth of the Book and I see no logical reason for that to still be a rule.


    I'm also not squeamish when it comes to talking about anything serious. I'm happy to have a good discussion when it comes to most about anything. Love, Politics, Pop Culture, Video Games, anything anyone would like, for the most part. Hit me up for a conversation if you'd like.
    Steam Profile Name: Jeeroy Lenkins
    PS3 Name: gOLD_SNAKE-MGS
    LoL Summoner Name (I mostly play the PBE, so you know): Pvt Ryan
    NS nation name: The United Republic of the North Atlanti