Hello, My Name Is Inigo Montoya...

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by Afforess, Jun 14, 2012.

  1. Afforess

    Afforess Active Member Former Delegate Government Vocals

    And I loved Princess Bride.

    I'm Afforess, and I've been in the Capitalist Paradise region for a long time. I discovered nationstates in June of 2009 and created my nation then. I joined the Capitalist Paradise almost immediately, and have been here ever since. When I first joined, @Fastercat was the reining delegate.

    After a few months in the region, I was elected to be a Supreme Court Justice, with the other justices being Voroka, and Blau Stein. Sadly Voroka ceased to exist some years ago, and Blau Stein is not active often. Shortly after I was elected, the Nation of Quebec became the next delegate, and he presided over the creation of the alliance with the United Defense League/Eastern Islands of Dharma. After the Nation of Quebec retired as delegate, I became the delegate, and served for a relatively uneventful 7 months. Amn Voss Kaputer, and finally Ad Vitam Adsum all served as delegates from 2011 to 2012.

    After I lost my delegacy in late 2011, I became a lot less active. But after the recent raid with the Capitalist Paradise, my interest has been renewed and I hope to help restore this region to it's former glory.
  2. Greybrow

    Greybrow Confirmed Nation

  3. Platypuses

    Platypuses Confirmed Nation

    And I will Kill you.

    tip please.