Gameplay Election for Alternate Justice

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Lun Noir, Nov 14, 2013.

  1. Lun Noir

    Lun Noir Confirmed Nation

  2. Lun Noir

    Lun Noir Confirmed Nation

  3. Lun Noir

    Lun Noir Confirmed Nation

  4. Lun Noir

    Lun Noir Confirmed Nation

  5. Indian Empire

    Indian Empire Confirmed Nation

    Where's the conversation?
  6. Lun Noir

    Lun Noir Confirmed Nation

    The deliberation up to this point has been copied here (I haven't copied Kaputer or DWAsnia's endorsements, up to them to state that if they want).

    I'll have some follow up questions, but waiting for the other candidates to reply first. If you have more to say in the mean time, go for it.
  7. Indian Empire

    Indian Empire Confirmed Nation

    Wow, 1st here!
  8. Singpu

    Singpu New Member

    I was first here, actually. Just never posted.
  9. Indian Empire

    Indian Empire Confirmed Nation

  10. Indian Empire

    Indian Empire Confirmed Nation

    So, Singpu, what policies do you plan to at least try to add to the constitution?
  11. Singpu

    Singpu New Member

    Well, a justice does not involve changing the constitution. However, as I've said, I would like to add an ammendum that protects reelected officials for only 40 days, excluding delegatesI'd also like to better define situations, as to minimize loophole taking.
  12. Indian Empire

    Indian Empire Confirmed Nation

    Youve got some good points. I am thinking about making requirements for justice eclection, that can be changed as needed.
  13. ComputerCurtis

    ComputerCurtis Confirmed Nation

    1. I do not feel that in a democracy like CP it is for me to say whether or not the Constitution or Magna Carta needs changing, but for the people of CP.

    2. Pretty much every day I am on NS for at least four hours. I'm working on London time, but I am at school on weekdays. Normally here 6:30AM to about 7:45AM on and off, and some in the evenings too.

    3. I would issue a ruling based on a combination of:

    i. Common sense
    ii. RW law ( to a certain extent )
    iii. Upholding the civil rights and political freedoms of people in CP

    4. RW legal experience : currently fighting a legal battle and in an election for the UK Youth Parliament. Also studying AS level law. WA legal experience - have tried and failed before to write WA resolutions, proving my strength to deal with when my legislation fails.

    The President of Namayapata
    Last edited: Nov 15, 2013
  14. ComputerCurtis

    ComputerCurtis Confirmed Nation

    Dear Capitalist Paradise,
    A lot of you I know will vote for another person and not me purely because I have not been in CP very long ( only about a month or two ). But I believe that I can win the election. Because my policies are sound, because I have supporters, because I am a fair person who would weigh up all sides of the argument, because I can. I believe in myself. And I believe that's all you need. So check your TGs for a Mass TG from me. Check my responses here to find out my policies. Keep checking the RMB. Keep TGing me with questions. I shall not say vote for me, because that is your choice and no one has the right to tell you who to vote for, but I shall say good luck to everyone in the election.
    Thank you CP.
    The President of Namayapata
  15. Acario

    Acario Member Delegate Government Vocals

    Namayapata, I remember reading one WA proposal and it was rejected because you did not follow the necessary format for proposals. How do you account for this?
    Last edited: Nov 15, 2013
  16. ComputerCurtis

    ComputerCurtis Confirmed Nation

    I account for this by trying to do it myself. I prefer to try to do things myself and then ask for help if necessary. Making mistakes is how we all learn!
  17. Acario

    Acario Member Delegate Government Vocals

    I will not argue against learning from mistakes; however, I feel that when someone sets out to do something the first thing to do is read up on the subject before blindly jumping in. There is clearly a thread that is always at the top of WA forums which covers the etiquette and format of WA proposals...
  18. Lun Noir

    Lun Noir Confirmed Nation

    Friday, November 15, noon EDT: Polls for the Alternate Justice position are officially open.
  19. ComputerCurtis

    ComputerCurtis Confirmed Nation

    Sorry, but I was a newbie. I'm sure you made that sort of mistake when you were a newbie.
  20. Lun Noir

    Lun Noir Confirmed Nation

    As has been mentioned, it is of course up to the Legislature to write laws. The duty of a justice is defined as to uphold those laws, not to directly alter the Constitution.

    Further questions for the candidates:

    1) In the event of a breach of law within the region, how do you think punishment should be carried out? Provide hypothetical examples if you wish.
    2) Do you believe that an individual's position or history within region should be a consideration for their criminal sentencing?
    3) Have you had interactions with any of the current seated justices, and if so, in what capacity?