Capitalist Producers vs. The Vocals - A court case

Discussion in 'Supreme Court' started by Capitalist Producers, Apr 10, 2016.

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  1. Capitalist Producers

    Capitalist Producers Confirmed Nation

    Your honors,

    The witness is testifying to what plaintiff is thinking and Plaintiff's motives. These are things the witness cannot possibly have personal knowledge of. Plaintiff asked why the witness was personally offended, not what the witness thinks the plaintiff is up to.

    If the defense wants to introduce Max Berry's "One Stop Rules Shop" then they may do so when it is their turn to present the case. In no case is that the job of the witness.
  2. The objections are over ruled on all counts
    Capitalist Producers you may call your next witness
  3. Capitalist Producers

    Capitalist Producers Confirmed Nation

  4. The court is considering this
  5. The Court has determined "The Vocals acted as a consolidated panel and issued one opinion that is part of the plaintiff's complaint." The motion to sequester Vocals is denied
  6. Capitalist Producers

    Capitalist Producers Confirmed Nation

    Thank you your honors.

    For my first witness I call Nation of Quebec.
  7. Nation of Quebec

    Nation of Quebec Member Former Delegate Government Vocals

    It appears that I have been summoned.

    **The Vocal takes the stand**

    Your Honors,

    Due to this being the Victoria Day long weekend, and with my duties as an Issues Editor, I can't promise that my replies will be instant, but I will answer to the best of my ability.
  8. Mortem Inferre

    Mortem Inferre New Member Government

    Capitalist Producers, please begin your questioning of Nation of Quebec.
  9. Capitalist Producers

    Capitalist Producers Confirmed Nation

    Thank you for coming. Please describe in your own words what "respectful posting" means.
  10. Nation of Quebec

    Nation of Quebec Member Former Delegate Government Vocals

    I would define respectful posting as posts that comply with NationStates rules of Etiquette. Max Barry specifically mentions you cannot post any content that is: obscene, illegal, threatening, malicious, defamatory, spam, griefing, trolling under all X is (something vile) Y arguments, and all things stated under "The One Stop Rules Shop". As users of Max Barry's service, we all must comply with all his rules and interpret them to the best of our ability, as we all agreed to when we accepted his "Terms & Conditions" when we created our nations. Therefore the respectful posting clause is absolutely necessary.
  11. Capitalist Producers

    Capitalist Producers Confirmed Nation

    Your honors, I ask the court to strike the witnesses' last sentence from the record and instruct the witness to confine his answers to the question asked.

    **Returning attention to the witness...**

    Can you think back a couple years or so ago to a debate on the RMB about gay marriage. During the course of that debate, didn't you suggest that any anti-gay marriage stance was not respectful?
  12. Nation of Quebec

    Nation of Quebec Member Former Delegate Government Vocals

    Your honors, I object to the question.

    What Capitalist Producers alleges I said years ago is irrelevant to this case. I humbly ask the court to ask Capitalist Producers to stick to relevant questions related to this specific case.
  13. Capitalist Producers

    Capitalist Producers Confirmed Nation

    Your honor, the question has direct bearing on the crux of the matter. I ask that you instruct the witness to answer the question.
  14. Armus Republic

    Armus Republic Confirmed Nation

    The last sentence will be struck from the record.

    Nation of Quebec, over ruled. Please answer CP's question.

    CP, if you are going to make a point with Quebec's answer, please get to it.
  15. Nation of Quebec

    Nation of Quebec Member Former Delegate Government Vocals

    Capitalist Producers is asking me to recall a post that I allegedly said years ago. As I do not recall making this alleged post, I will not be able to answer his question. I ask again that Capitalist Producers' question be stricken from the record as this mystery post should be regarded as irrelevant at best, hearsay at worst.
  16. Capitalist Producers

    Capitalist Producers Confirmed Nation

    Your honors, please remind the witness the court has ruled on the matter of answering my questions and that matter is now moot. Based on the last two responses, I will now be treating the witness as hostile so there will be a certain amount of leading here.

    **Directing his attention to the witness...**

    Can you tell the court why, if you do not remember making that series of posts, you simply did not say so rather than objecting, then lodging that objection again?
  17. Armus Republic

    Armus Republic Confirmed Nation

    Answer the question Nation of Quebec
  18. Nation of Quebec

    Nation of Quebec Member Former Delegate Government Vocals

    My reasoning for the objection is that I believe the crux of this trial is Capitalist Producers' behavior and the specific posts that the anonymous nation found offensive - not random posts Capitalist Producers alleges I made years ago.

    As I do not remember making these alleged posts that Capitalist Producers claims I made, it is impossible for me to answer the question.
  19. Gentlemans...Again... This "crux" of this hearings is to determine which if any of these remedies Capitalist Producers is suing for have the merit
    Capitalist Producers, I have great hoping that you can show this Court how your question will support your case to this end

    Nation of Quebec: In the past, did you have this opinion that "any
    anti-gay marriage stance was not respectful?
  20. Capitalist Producers

    Capitalist Producers Confirmed Nation

    Your honors, I am about one answer away from filing a motion for contempt against the witness and sanctions on the defense. Please instruct the witness to confine his answers to the questions asked and skip the editorial comments. The defense will have their chance to make their case in the defense portion of the trial.

    The plaintiff once again must trouble the court for a motion to have Nation of Quebec's first sentence stricken from the record as it does not answer a question.

    Chief Justice Jihadi, I am assembling elements of my case. As revealing case strategy to the defense would not be advantageous to my efforts in this matter, I would be willing to explain where I am going with to the court in an ex parte conference.

    **Directing his attention back to the witness, CP pauses for a moment while gathering his thoughts.**

    Are you familiar with the phrase "useful idiots?" If so can you tell the court if it passes or fails the respectful posting rule and how you arrived at that?
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