Capitalist Producers vs. The Vocals - A court case

Discussion in 'Supreme Court' started by Capitalist Producers, Apr 10, 2016.

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  1. Capitalist Producers

    Capitalist Producers Confirmed Nation

    Objection your honor.

    The defense should not me collaborating with the anonymous complainant. While sequestering witnesses in this format is not practical, they should each strive to tell their own version of events without coaching or coordination with the defense.

    This is especially true in the case of the anonymous complainant and the rest of the defendants.

    This is precisely why I asked to have the anonymous witness do their own testifying. The plaintiff is about 24 hours from resubmitting that motion.

    In fact, at this point the the plaintiff is beginning to question the existence of the anonymous complainant.
    Last edited: May 6, 2016
  2. Capitalist Producers

    Capitalist Producers Confirmed Nation

    **The ambassador passes out copies of a motion to the defense, one each to the justices and one for the court clerk.**


    Case No.

    Capitalist Producers - Plaintiff


    The Vocals - Codefendants


    Comes now the plaintiff before the court with this motion to sequester the witnesses in this case. The anonymous complainant is not on trial here. The person is a witness only. There are no charges pending, nor will there be. There is no problem with self incrimination resulting from the testimony. The fact Drasnia is a vocal is not lost on the Plaintiff. The plaintiff asks the court order Drasnia to simply relay, word for word, the testimony of the anonymous complainant.

    Understanding that it is impractical to actually sequester witnesses in this environment, the plaintiff asks the court to order the defendants to cease and desist from coaching, discussing or otherwise tampering with the witnesses in this case.

    The plaintiff further asks that once testimony by the vocals commences, the court order the defendants to not coordinate, plan or otherwise discuss their testimony until the end of the case.

    The plaintiff understands the difficulties in this request and further understands the order will be on the "honor system."

    The plaintiff stands ready to argue this motion before the court.

    Respectfully submitted,
    The Ambassador for Capitalist Producers
  3. Drasnia

    Drasnia Member Former Delegate Vocals

    Here is the information requested by Capitalist Producers:
    As for Capitalist Producer's motion for sequestration, he does not understand what has been going on. He requested a lot of information, some of which only one vocal (UNDelegate) had. I no longer had the original telegrams from anonymous in my inbox, since I only have the most recent 20 due to NS' non site supporter rules. Therefore, I had to wait for UNDelegate, who has been busy irl, to send the requested information. There has been no coaching or the like.
  4. Capitalist Producers

    Capitalist Producers Confirmed Nation

    **The ambassador rises.**

    I feel the need for the order requested in the motion is still present. I ask the court grant the motion to ensure a fair trial.

    Drasnia's response leads to another question. Drasnia, are you in direct contact with the anonymous complainant?
  5. Drasnia

    Drasnia Member Former Delegate Vocals

    At this current time - no. You have not asked anything that would require me to contact Anonymous. Once you do, I will contact him and reply on his behalf.
  6. Capitalist Producers

    Capitalist Producers Confirmed Nation

    Your honors I object. I called the anonymous source to testify. This entire time I thought I was questioning the anonymous source, even though that questioning was by proxy. This entire proceeding is ripe for miscommunication at best and at worse misconduct.

    At this point in time plaintiff has no choice but to resubmit the motion to require the personal and first hand testimony by the anonymous complainant and ask the trial be put on hold until a full hearing can be held on the matter.

    It should be also noted that as of right now we do not even know for sure which posts offended the anonymous complainant.
  7. Drasnia, Fastercat and Capitalist Producers, come before the bench...

    First to all I remind you this is the civil proceeding not the criminal trial It is for this reason I am not require this Anonymous to testify in person The anonymous complaint is at center to this hearing The purpose is to find what remedies to Capitalist Producers is appropriate and in the authority of this court Fastercat & Drasnia, It is with ...dissapointing that instead of the words of the Anonymous ...even through a representative you are not able to bring.
    Anonymous will remain anonymous in the public eye However I will require this Anonymous to contact AJ Armus Republic, Derivative and me with a telegram... to certify he is contacted with Drasnia his representative. Anonymous will have the confidence of members of these jury

    This Court is in recess for 48 hours or until the jury is contacted by Anonymous wich ever to come 1st

    There will be no objection.
  8. Capitalist Producers

    Capitalist Producers Confirmed Nation

    Thank you your honor.
  9. Happy Mothers Day.

    Anonymous has contacted the Jury and certify contact with his representative Drasnia
    Capitalist Producers please begin with your questions to this witness
  10. Armus Republic

    Armus Republic Confirmed Nation

    I would like to state for the record that I have been contacted by Anonymous
  11. Capitalist Producers

    Capitalist Producers Confirmed Nation

    Drasnia listed a number of things in response to my original question that I did not write. Please state for the record the sentence or sentences in my RMB posts you found objectionable. Then explain why you consider those sentences objectionable.
  12. Drasnia

    Drasnia Member Former Delegate Vocals

    May I ask for clarification before I answer: What things did you not write? Are you referencing the telegrams between CID and anonymous? I am confused.
  13. Allow me...
    Anonymous: cite th RMB postings made by Capitalist Producers ...all of those wich offended you so that you brought charges against Capitalisat Producers
    And then do share with the court the reasoning to why you are offended
    Copy your answers and send these to Drasnia so he may dutifuly paste these in the next reply on this thread.
  14. Capitalist Producers

    Capitalist Producers Confirmed Nation

    Yes, for the purposes of this question I am only interested in the RMB posts that offended you.
  15. MR. DRASNIA!!!
  16. Drasnia

    Drasnia Member Former Delegate Vocals

    My sincerest apologies, your Honors. Every time a message must be relayed, it significantly increases the time it takes to reach its ultimate destination. I believe the issue where it was taking so long to contact each other (Anonymous and myself) should be solved for future questions.

    Anonymous wrote the following, with my comments in [brackets].

    "One of the posts I distinctly recall was the one with Capitalist Producers calling the left "jihadis and lynch mobs". [] Yeah, no matter what grudge you have against an ideology, you don't get to compare people to the worst scum in the world. He conveniently ignores the fact that conservatives do the exact same thing, such as pressuring Will Ferral to back out of a satirical movie about Reagan, Trump calling for boycotts of Apple and Starbucks, racists losing their minds over seeing an interracial couple in Cheerios and Old Navy Ads, or the thousands of people who promised to boycott Target because of its pro-transgender stance.

    There are also countless instances of Producers using the word communist as an insult to describe anyone who disagrees with him. [some of many examples where communist is used as an insult:]

    It is my belief that Producers does not care about freedom of speech at all. I believe that free speech is just a red herring to cover up his real agenda, which is to bully, silence, and oppress people who have the courage to speak out against him and his ideology. By allowing him to do so. Even now he is trying to intimidate people because they support Gary Johnson, rather than Trump.

    Capitalist Producers is fighting for something that Max Barry himself has clearly stated does not exist on this site."
  17. Capitalist Producers, your witness...
  18. Capitalist Producers

    Capitalist Producers Confirmed Nation

    Thank you your honor. I would like to make sure that all four of those posts are entered into the record as evidence. I ask the justices to read through them as I will be referring to them later in the trial.

    I ask that the last part of the testimony regarding whether or not I believe in freedom of speech be stricken from the record as speculation and that the witness be instructed to confine their answers to the scope of the questions asked.

    I also ask the witness's testimony about what Max Berry does or does not approve of be stricken. If someone wants to introduce testimony from Mr. Berry, he can be called and sworn in.

    I have no further questions for this witness.
    Last edited: May 14, 2016
  19. Mortem Inferre

    Mortem Inferre New Member Government

    The four posts (IDs 17733438, 17629625, 17743600, 17653337) are entered into the record as evidence.

    The justices will now consider Capitalist Producer's motions from post #58:
    1. To strike Anonymous's testimony regarding Capitalist Producer's belief in freedom of speech.
    2. To instruct the witness (Anonymous) to confine his or her answers to the scope of the questions asked.
    3. To strike the witness's (Anonymous's) testimony regarding Max Berry's position on freedom of speech.

    Any arguments against these motions?
  20. FasterCat

    FasterCat New Member Former Delegate Vocals

    Yes Your Honors, if I may interject; Capitalist Producers did in fact ask for Anonymous to state "why" he was offended. Certainly a fair and necessary question in these circumstances. However "Why" is a matter of opinion and Anonymous answered honestly. The defense finds Capitalist Producers objection to an honest answer disingenuous and asks the Court to overrule.
    Also, Anonymous is technically correct. Max Berrys statements can be found in "FAQ>Etiquette" as well as a more detailed description of freedom of speech restriction in the "One Stop Rules Shop". Defense has no plans to embarrass itself by calling Max Berry to testify. Again we ask Justice to overrule.
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