Capitalist Producers vs. The Vocals - A court case

Discussion in 'Supreme Court' started by Capitalist Producers, Apr 10, 2016.

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  1. Anonymous Nation you know who you are You or your representative please stand before the court.
  2. FasterCat

    FasterCat New Member Former Delegate Vocals

    Your Honors, if it pleases the Court, FasterCat will be representing the Vocals in this case.
    The Vocals object to having Anonymous testify. Anonymous was, well anonymous during the first hearing before the court. It is reasonable to expect a continuation of anonymity.
  3. Welcome Fastercat You will litigate well
    And you are over ruled
    The Anonymous or his representative have 24 hours to appear in this court.
  4. Capitalist Producers

    Capitalist Producers Confirmed Nation

    Note for the court: I am still on the DOD job . For the second day running the tests are scrubbed by weather. There is no internet connectivity out on the range. I will continue to check in at least once a day.
  5. Because this forum was broken we will allow Anonymous 24 hours more
    Anonymous or your representative please take the stand
  6. Drasnia

    Drasnia Member Former Delegate Vocals

    My sincerest apologies, your Honors. Because of the problems with the forum as well as being away on a school trip, I have not had the time to post until now. I have been chose to represent Anonymous in this case. I will now take the stand.
  7. Capitalist Producers

    Capitalist Producers Confirmed Nation

    **The ambassador stands**

    I object your honor.
  8. Mortem Inferre

    Mortem Inferre New Member Government

    Capitalist Producers, please provide an explanation for the basis of your objection.
  9. Capitalist Producers

    Capitalist Producers Confirmed Nation

    I specifically called my accuser because I am seeking to question my accuser. Drasnia is not my accuser and cannot know what is in my accuser's head. If Drasnia, or anyone else, is allowed to act as surrogate for someone leveling complaints against others the accused may as well question a police report when trying to mount a defense.

    Everything Drasnia tells the court will be hearsay evidence. That is not allowed in most court proceedings because of he said-she arguments. There is also the chance of misinterpretation of what the accuser "meant to say."

    Lastly, that means the accuser is not a sworn witness. While Drasnia is obligated to tell the truth, the truth in this case would be what the accuser has to say. That insulates the accuser from the obligation to present truthful testimony to this court.

    The plaintiff would be remiss not to remind the court that the precedent set in ruling on this objection will have an effect on every court case going forward from this point on.
    Last edited: May 3, 2016
  10. Drasnia

    Drasnia Member Former Delegate Vocals

    Your Honors, this objection is spurious. Chief Justice Repentant Jihadi asked for "Anonymous or your representative please take the stand" whom I am representing. Furthermore, Capitalist Producers is trying to equate Real Life laws to NationStates laws, therefore, any argument based on actual existing laws, courts, and RL nations must be rendered null and void, as they do not apply here.

    In fact, nowhere in our region's Constitution does it state that the accused has the right to face the accused. That is only a RL convention. It follows that Capitalist Producer has no right to compel Anonymous to appear before the court. I am willing, however, to continue with representing Anonymous if the Court so chooses.
  11. Mortem Inferre

    Mortem Inferre New Member Government

    The concept of one individual being represented by another is not a novel one for the region. The Chief Justice has requested that the accuser or his representative appear, and this has been satisfied by Drasnia's appearance. The objection is overruled.
  12. Capitalist Producers you may begin with your questions
  13. Capitalist Producers

    Capitalist Producers Confirmed Nation

    Thank you your honors.

    Drasnia, please identify the exact posts that drew that complaint. Then identify the specific language within the complaint the anonymous complainant objected to. I ask those posts be admitted into evidence.
  14. FasterCat

    FasterCat New Member Former Delegate Vocals

    Your Honors, The Defense understands the importance of the documents that the plaintiff has requested. We ask for a recess of 48 hours so that we may properly prepare them for presentation to the court.
  15. You have 24 hours
  16. Capitalist Producers

    Capitalist Producers Confirmed Nation

    I object. It has already been 48 hours and change since the question was asked. The defense has had plenty of time and notice to prepare for this trial.

    The question is not rocket science. There is nothing to prepare. The offended person has to know what offended them. I ask that the full court reconsider this ruling and order the defense to answer the question and present the offending posts.
  17. Mortem Inferre

    Mortem Inferre New Member Government

    Overruled. The Defense has 24 hours from the Chief Justice's time of posting.
  18. Capitalist Producers

    Capitalist Producers Confirmed Nation

    Thank you your honor.
  19. Let the record show Anonymous has refused to answer questions
    Capitalist Producers call your next witness
  20. FasterCat

    FasterCat New Member Former Delegate Vocals

    Your honors, due to the RL time constraints of collaborating 5 defendants and a witness in an online setting, the Defense begs more time. The information the Plaintiff requests was only very recently transmitted to Anonymous' representative Drasania.
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