Capitalist Paradise Free Press, Issue #2

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by Afforess, Jun 25, 2012.

  1. Afforess

    Afforess Active Member Former Delegate Government Vocals

    Capitalist Paradise Free Press
    Issue #2, June 22 2012.


    1.)The Capitalist Paradise 2013
    2.)Endorsement Caps, A Capitalist Solution?
    3.)New Regional Forums
    4.)Submit your own press articles
    5.)Unsubscribe from the press

    The Capitalist Paradise 2013

    An editorial by Afforess
    The date is June 22nd. 11:30 am on June 22nd, 2012. The Capitalist Paradise's regional message board contains dozens of messages. On closer examination, you see that each of these are suppressed by the delegate. The World Assembly factbook lists the nations with the largest pizza industry. Only 9 nations are listed. Half of the nations have a skull and bones flag. The each have the same motto. "Death to the Capitalist Paradise".

    You scroll to the top of the page. The delegate's name appears in blue. You click it, half wondering, half afraid of what you will see. "Regional Influence: Powerhouse". The delegate has enough to eject you today. You know he has been saving up his influence to eject each of the remaining nations. Your next on the list. You exit back out to the region page. You try to guess the password a few more times. No luck. You refresh again. You have a new telegram in your inbox. "Welcome to The Rejected Realms!"

    Endorsement Caps, A Capitalist Solution?

    An editorial by Afforess
    Early this month, the Capitalist Paradise was invaded by a sleeper agent, FantasticRay. He managed to gain control of the region, and wrecked havoc for weeks. He left out of apparent boredom; the natives of the Capitalist Paradise were ultimately left defenseless and were unable to mount an effective defense. The next time we are faced with a similar opponent, the region will be subjugated again, and we will be similarly powerless to prevent. The Capitalist Paradise could easily be transformed from a founderless region to a nationless region.

    A variety of solutions to solving our security problems have been proposed - and they all fall back on one central tenant. An endorsement cap of some form. An endorsement cap would prevent any nation from threatening the authority of the delegate, outside of a legal election. Opponents of this cap are quick to quote Franklin, citing that giving up freedom and liberty for a little security will cost us both.

    I counter this with Thomas Paine.

    These are the times that try men's souls: The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives every thing its value.

    If it is our freedom that you enjoy - ante up. The Capitalist Paradise has abysmal endorsement rates. Already nations who joined the World Assembly at the onset of the crisis have abandoned now that it seems to be over.

    This is the CAPITALIST paradise, you don't expect to enjoy freedom for free, do you? While the majority of the nations who call the Capitalist Paradise home continue to leave the region undefended, we will be forced to put up stronger safeguards.

    New Regional Forums
    The Capitalist Paradise has secured new regional forums, which are much nicer than the previous forums. I encourage all nations to at least lurk and read the board, and if they have the free time, to create an account and introduce themselves.

    The regional forums and other regional resources may be found here:

    Submit your own press articles
    Nations are encouraged to write and create their own stories. They do not have to be long, and can be just about national events, regional events, or events that involve the greater nationstates. Submit an article to sway your fellow nations to support a World Assembly resolution. Or reject it. Or write an article praising recent regional decisions, or denounces the current delegate. Or write an article that proposes solutions to the current problems our region faces. Articles will be reviewed by an editor for grammatical changes. The Capitalist Paradise Free Press reserves the right to reject your article; however we will inform you of such a decision and explain our reasoning.

    Unsubscribe from the press
    If you are not interested in receiving this weekly message, just send me a telegram asking to be removed, and I will never telegram you a press related message again.
  2. Ad_Vitam_Adsum

    Ad_Vitam_Adsum New Member Former Delegate Vocals

    I like the distinction you drew in your editorial; this is indeed Capitalist Paradise, not Anarchist Paradise.
  3. Afforess

    Afforess Active Member Former Delegate Government Vocals

    Thanks. That editorial went through quite a few revisions before I decided on that version. It's fairly hard to both emphasize the danger of our situation without becoming preachy or leaning too hard into biases and logical fallacies.