
Discussion in 'Introductions' started by Ashton Mercer, Aug 10, 2013.

  1. Afforess

    Afforess Active Member Former Delegate Government Vocals

    Ok. And I can see where you are coming from. I just don't really care.
  2. Ashton Mercer

    Ashton Mercer New Member

    It's not a strawman if it is a fact. I'm not saying that recruiting from these regions was Afforess' intention, I'm saying that it could have been seen as a legitimate offer, and this accepted.
  3. Ashton Mercer

    Ashton Mercer New Member

    Whatever you say. It's your and CP's reputation, not mine.
  4. Drasnia

    Drasnia Member Former Delegate Vocals

    Hrmm . . . There are legitimate ways to test guns while not skewing results, but with recruitment, it is far different. If Afforess said it was only a test, we wouldn't be getting these results. It would be totally different. Meanwhile, you distort what I say to try and make it harder to defend - the definition of a strawman.
  5. Kaputer

    Kaputer New Member Former Delegate Vocals

    Lets give it a rest for tonight guys.
  6. Ashton Mercer

    Ashton Mercer New Member

    I agree that you get results better this way, but these are results in the forms of nations that may or may not move back to the region they were recruited from. Why do you really need this kind of information anyways?

    And I am sorry if it appears I am using "strawman" arguments. I'm just basing my posts off of what I read.
  7. Ashton Mercer

    Ashton Mercer New Member

    Fine by me. I'll be back at around noon EST.
  8. Capitalist Producers

    Capitalist Producers Confirmed Nation

    My god. the butthurt is strong in that one.

    Gentlemen, this is what we call a free market economy. Recruiting is allowed in the game. If we have something better to offer, people might leave. If we don't have anything better to offer, then they will stay with you.

    We are lucky to have Afforess working for our region. Hopefully he keeps it up in spite of the whini... Errr... I meant unfounded complaining going on here.
  9. Capitalist Producers

    Capitalist Producers Confirmed Nation

    The above remarks are my opinions and should not be interpreted to represent those of the founder or management in Capitalists Paradise.
  10. Ponderosa

    Ponderosa New Member

    A bit of politeness will get you far.
  11. Capitalist Producers

    Capitalist Producers Confirmed Nation

    Tact and diplomacy is the molasses that wastes time and holds up progress while others prepare your back for the knife.
    - Me
  12. Ashton Mercer

    Ashton Mercer New Member

    This is unacceptable, borderline warmongering behavior. There is a difference between being advanced in your recruiting and preying on other regions. Honestly, this is no different than posting advertisements on a RMB, which is banned by NS.
  13. Capitalist Producers

    Capitalist Producers Confirmed Nation

    Ashton, Ashton, Ashton... Buy you books, send you to school and look what we get.

    You are right. Ads are banned by NS. Excellent.

    However you missed another part of the rule book. Recruiting is not only allowed, but encouraged by NS. This is done by allowing people to purchase "postage" in the form of Telegram Stamps. Recruiting is not warmongering. Recruiting is just a part of the game.

    This is an open and free market. If you are losing nations, it is time to figure out why they are leaving and fix it. Stomping on the better salesman will not correct the problem.
  14. Ashton Mercer

    Ashton Mercer New Member

    Recruiting is for the FEEDER regions, not alive and active member regions! Not to mention the 102 nations you stole from everyone!
  15. Ponderosa

    Ponderosa New Member

    Not all of us consider our regions as companies. To us, Ainur is a family, and you are stealing family members, not "customers."

    With apologies to Ashton for posting. :p
  16. Capitalist Producers

    Capitalist Producers Confirmed Nation

    And Ashton sat down to the computer composing the following words,
    Oh, my bad. I didn't know that. Uhm... Just one thing. Would you show me where it says that in the NS rule book?

    Then Ponderosa sat down to their computer, wiped a tissue to their eye then bitterly complained,
    You know, families are not static units. Kids grow up and move on. People grow apart. Divorce is a fact of life. But life still goes on.

    If I were to take what you say seriously, the only possible answer is that you should be looking at some family counseling. But in either case, it really does no good to blame the people that offered a better place to be.
  17. Ashton Mercer

    Ashton Mercer New Member

    I see. Well, I will leave you with this: your actions will eventually be the pay-to-win end of the great game of Nationstates. I am done speaking here.
  18. schweizweld

    schweizweld Confirmed Nation

    We did not "steal" nations from any region. People come and go to any region they want by their own free will.
  19. Icihigo

    Icihigo Confirmed Nation

    Hmmm.....well...Ainur invites our fellow family members to a one way reunion!
  20. Icihigo

    Icihigo Confirmed Nation

    Don't you find it in poor taste when a region attempts to recruit from another though? It's poor etiquette. You're depriving them the fruits of their labor. And the rest of the time it's just fucking annoying. If we wanted to see Capitalist Paradise bullshit when we logged in we would have joined them. Not the region we're currently in.

    Aside from etiquette, and morals, and ideologies dramatically skewed towards your region, I hope Capitalist Paradise enjoys it's own ideologies used to deprive them of their own members.

    I could be nice.....but Capital Producers is making enough of an ass of himself to make up for any potential politeness I could offer. We're just expressing how we disagree.

    And if we have to. We'll level the playing field. Recruit new members as well as members from Capitalist Paradise. I mean, if we're one big family surely you won't mind if we borrow some?

    Or if you get inactive for a bit, you won't mind if we mass TG your members telling them to join us instead of focusing on their own region?

    I'm Emrys Mercer/Bayard Smythe from Ainur and in most NS regions worth being in. If you'd like to have a civilized conversation in an area not surrounded by half-wits throwing shit at anyone that questions why they do what they do then come to me.