
Discussion in 'Introductions' started by Ashton Mercer, Aug 10, 2013.

  1. Icihigo

    Icihigo Confirmed Nation

    So, if through recruiting from your region several of your citizens decided Ainur was the better place to be you would be completely understanding and welcoming of our telegrams?

    So very progressive!
  2. Icihigo

    Icihigo Confirmed Nation

    So, being as asshole gets you extremely far in NS?

    Please show me how far it's gotten you outside Capitalist Paradise and how well-liked you are.
  3. Icihigo

    Icihigo Confirmed Nation

    Exactly why no one outside CP gives a shit about CP until they meddle in someone else's affairs.
  4. Icihigo

    Icihigo Confirmed Nation

    Big move.
  5. Afforess

    Afforess Active Member Former Delegate Government Vocals

    If being well-liked is how you measure people, you are a sad, shallow man. I am a cold, calculating, efficient and effective machine. I never claimed to be a happy-go-lucky or quirky type. I am the watchful eye that keeps CP safe at night. I like it that way.

    I don't really care about other regions. So far, the retaliation telegrams have lost us 2 nations. Out of hundreds gained. I'm not overly concerned.
  6. Capitalist Producers

    Capitalist Producers Confirmed Nation


    But I am nowhere near what anyone would reasonably consider "Progressive." A progressive would demand laws preventing recruiting nations. A real "Progressive" would demand laws preventing nations from moving out of their regions rather then leaving the choice up to them.

    So, would you be good enough to show me the rule(s) Afforess broke with the recruitment telegrams? It seems that Ashton is unable to come through for us on that one.

    ROFL!!!! Awesome.

    So what you are saying is that I am not going to be voted "Most Popular" at this year's awards banquet? Darn... have to tell you, that really hurts.

    I find that straight forward honesty without the "easing the blow" bullshit leaves a lot less room for misunderstanding. Sometimes that brutal honesty ruffles feathers. But at least there is no doubt as to their feathers are ruffled.

    As for the puppet leaving the region because of all the telegrams, so what? It is clearly their choice. Am I supposed to be bent out of shape over that for some reason? We lost one and gained 20. I'll take that deal every time.

    Seriously. This is not brain surgery, we're not curing cancer here. If something goes wrong, no one is going to die, no one is going to get pregnant. There isn't even a prize involved here. I don't see why you and everyone else has their panties all wadded up over it.

    If you do not want your nations to leave then come up with a reason for them to stay. Doesn't get much more simpler then that.
  7. Icihigo

    Icihigo Confirmed Nation

    Then answer some simple questions for me that both of you have avoided.

    If Capitalist Paradise went into a slump of inactivity, your founder tried killing you off then redirected people to a new region for no reason, and then two different regions sent recruiting telegrams further confusing your populace would you find it fair?

    Would you find it fair if you lost 1/3rd of your nations in a time of stress due to other nations recruiting?

    I don't want to hear your argument reiterated and then another insult being lobbed at us for trying to understand. I want straight answers.

    Would you or would you not consider it fair if other regions recruited your members, especially in a time of weakness?

    Do you apply your philosophy even when it puts you at a disadvantage or do you just follow it when it gives you the advantage?
  8. Icihigo

    Icihigo Confirmed Nation

    Also, Capitalist Paradise considers itself at war with every region, but the UDL? Interesting...
  9. Drasnia

    Drasnia Member Former Delegate Vocals

    Bullshit! Shit! Asshole! Bullshit! Yeah, I can swear too, but that doesn't give any more validity to my statements.

    And you want a civil discussion, but you are the only one swearing. I seriously don't get it. We are having a discussion but you have to insult us. That is not very conducive to diplomacy.
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2013
  10. Icihigo

    Icihigo Confirmed Nation

    Says the region that is "at war with every other region in NS unless otherwise specified".

    The fact $50 dollars can buy you 100 nations is extremely unfair. Should NS really be made a pay-to-win?
  11. Icihigo

    Icihigo Confirmed Nation

    Swearing doesn't define civility. Tone does. My tone was abrasive. Capitalist Producer's was condescending, attempting to insult Ashton.
  12. Carolina V

    Carolina V Confirmed Nation

    As someone who recently joined NationStates, I'd like to think that I have a rather unbiased perspective here. I chose CP for two reasons. They were active, and the things they discussed appealed to me. As far as I can tell NationStates is much like the market and regions are a product. If a product appeals to me, I'm going to buy it. If it doesn't, I'm not. If the region that was appealing to me two weeks ago is not as appealing to me today when a recruitment telegram shows up in my inbox (which I'm quite aware of how to turn-off), then I'm going to that new region. No hard feelings, it's just the way it is. If those esteemed representatives from Ainur feel differently, well then I'm sorry, but maybe you just have a different take on the game than I do. That should not prevent me from playing the game how I see fit just to coddle to your feelings.

    These are my views and my views alone.
  13. Icihigo

    Icihigo Confirmed Nation

    Our view is sort of like this. We spend hundreds of hours fine-tuning our regions and telegrams and sending them to purely feeders and sinkers. You guys send telegrams directly to other regions and side-step the "showing new people how NationStates works". That's why we're offended and pissed off. We work extremely hard and don't have cash to spend on NS, but now that Afforess has fifty dollars to spend on is it fair that his RL standing and money gives him an advantage over other regions?
  14. Icihigo

    Icihigo Confirmed Nation

    You have a good point, but aside from our feelings think of this.

    If NS is a market and regions are products the model would be inhabitants of a region attempting to get others to take their product over others. Capitalist Paradise has gone to the list of customers of the dozens of other products and sent their advertisement to them. Eliminating the need to educate the customer on how to use the product. It's highly efficient, but many disagree with it because we spent the time educating the customer on using the product. If the models turn to products attempting to take customers from others who will educate the customer?

    Why not turn this into a debate?
  15. Carolina V

    Carolina V Confirmed Nation

    That is his money. He earned it, and if he wants to part with it to expand his region, then yes, I think it is absolutely "fair."
  16. Carolina V

    Carolina V Confirmed Nation

    I thought we were debating it. It's far from unheard of for competitors to attempt to steal customers from their rivals. Hell, if I watch Direct TV, how many commercials do I see of cable providers and other satellite networks? Lots. Direct TV is just banking on their product, services and prices being better than their competitors so their customers won't leave.
  17. Icihigo

    Icihigo Confirmed Nation

    So, you agree with the pay-to-win idea of NationStates?

    I disagree, it seems that in the long run any individual that's a high school or college student, or generally not the most financially sound will be at a disadvantage. It bases the prosperity of these regions in this online game upon factors in RL that many can't control.

    It's fair with the idea of it's his money and he may use it as he wishes.
  18. Icihigo

    Icihigo Confirmed Nation

    So, Capitalist Paradise is extremely and vehemently regionalist?
  19. Carolina V

    Carolina V Confirmed Nation

    That's completely assuming that advertisement equals sales. To advertise a product of poor quality is pointless, especially in NS, because even if a nation does move here, if he doesn't like what he/she see's then they're just going to move back to where they came from. If you build your region up in such a way that it appeals to a large portion of the NS population, then you won't need to worry about how much money people spend on advertising, because you're product will be the better one.
  20. Carolina V

    Carolina V Confirmed Nation

    I think that Capitalist Paradise is the better product which is why we've had little to no losses despite the rash of retaliatory recruitment telegrams.